Second Life Griefing Tools Clipper
Groups in Second Life blacklisted for griefing by Voodoo, and the reasons why. Zumeist strategischen oder taktischen Spielen die Notwendigkeit, einen Chat-Client in ihre. Lotus Marktplace and the Clipper Chip. New Haven: Yale. Siemons, Mark (2006): Wer verkauft mir seine Lebenszeit? In: FAZ Online. Zuletzt aufgerufen am 10.2.2007. URL: http://www.faz.net/s/.
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It may have entered our AutoModerator's event horizon. Seeing recent bad advice to traders on here to avoid piracy, I thought I'd write up a guide on what actually does work against piracy and more importantly, murderers. Before I start I have done very little rare trading and 0 commodity trading. I know what works because I went from a D rated cobra, skipped Asp, and earned enough to buy a low end Clipper solely by pirating other CMDR's for rares over the course of months after release. Since then I am in a top of the line clipper now, and there are still a few traders smart enough to escape me who do less than the following: First the best way to win against pirates is to never be found.
Trade outside frequented space and your chances of ever seeing another player in open is low, of seeing a pirate is miniscule. That isn't what this guide is about. This also isn't about identifying pirates in SC, watching for someone coming behind you and quick dropping or any other interdiction avoidance tactics I could name off.
There are plenty of tactics you will pick up over time on avoiding being interdicted in the first place. This will cover how to go about your business in populated space in Open mode and escape pirates after they interdict you using game mechanics to their fullest. Firstly and most importantly kit your ship defensively. If you go all cargo racks and no shields you better go to solo. If you haven't died yet it is coming.
Here is an example of a cheap type 6 load out I will take a million credit wager against any pirate (in any ship) to interdict me and kill me before I high wake away: Load out in your usual pirating kit if you wish to take the challenge, don't throw on 5 rail guns for example or change your load out just for the challenge. Next follow these simple steps after the interdiction begins if you wish to be no part of any negotiations: • Submit to interdiction (FSD now has 15 second cool down) NOTE: This may be changed at some point, hopefully after traders get REAL defences. • After the drop - 4 pips to SYS (shields 2.5x stronger), 2 to ENG, 100% thrust/boost every time you can, and use a shield cell bank.keep using them immediately off cool down. • Select a system in your NAV menu and aim your ship towards it. (You can always have a system selected and have a button hotkeyed to select next system if you really wanna be on the ball) -NOTE: You should have all of 2 and 3 done before the 15 second FSD CD timer is up.
Feel free to type hello in local if they are not immediately shooting. Pirates will generally not be firing before the 15 second CD is up. A few will and murderers always will, so you perform this way regardless to make things simpler. • Roll ship continuously. Do not perform any sidethrust using maneuvers people suggest because they slow down maximum foward thrust. They make things worse.
Anyone who suggests you do this in ANY trading vessel is wrong. Max thrust and rolling ONLY. 500m more between you and your enemy make a large difference in amount of damage weapons do to shields. • Engage FSD to jump out of system. This takes 15 seconds to complete.
You will continue to boost, roll, and use shield cell banks as FSD charges and they begin or continue shooting you. Never adjust pips from 4 in SYS, 2, ENG unless shields fail, then 4 into ENG and continue the plan. As soon as the timer reaches the countdown you become immune to fire.
IF SHIELDS EVER FALL, ENGAGE SILENT RUNNING, 4 PIPS TO ENG AND CONTINUE WITH CURRENT PLAN. (ship will overheat like crazy, this is life and death at this point, doesn't matter) • Drop to normal space when you arrive and select a new system to sell your goods. This will all happen in a span of approx 25 seconds once you get it all down (FSD cool down timer starts before anyone can move their ship). I've referred to it as the Submit-FSD Shuffle since back when I was pirating a lot. It is nearly unbeatable when performed flawlessly even in the poorly kitted, low armor, slow type 6 load out I provided. All that said, I think submission low timer should and will be removed. I think traders need good defenses as well to make piracy / piracy escaping a skilled game.
Until any of that is done this is the best way to escape pirates if you wish to irk them, feel like YOU beat THEM and still play within game mechanics. There are a few advanced tactics that can be added through using comms and dropping a little cargo to make them pause fire, but that is stuff you can pick up with time and you'll usually be up to better traders by then where your shields simply cannot be knocked down, because of stronger shields or you are just too fast now, before you jump. This is a simple guide that will work 99% of the time. If you think it won't feel free to friend add and challenge me. I will use the exact low end type 9 kit listed above with a million cr bet in palladium going to the winner in 1.3.
You don't need to resort to combat log cheating if you wish to trade in open. Let the whiners and cry babies go to solo if they get murdered in open then decide this is their personal game, the 'griefer' is playing the game wrong, and they refuse to play with others til it is changed to how the game is supposed to be played for them to have fun. Be better than them and learn to use game mechanics to adapt, overcome, and get the feeling you won, not the pirate.
And my pirate friends how to defeat traders doing this? Well that is another lesson. Your post is filled with very sound advice. It's a shame you had to shit all over it with your whiners and cry babies comment. I hear more whining from cry baby pirates wondering where all the traders went. Before you start name calling, perhaps you should contemplate why more than half the people that own this game don't play in Open, yet those same players still play many of the popular PVP games available. We're not afraid of a fair fight, traders vs pirates isn't a fair fight.
No amount of fluff and bullshit can spin this fact out of being reality. When FDev gives me larger hardpoints and better shields on my chosen trading vessel then we can have a different conversation.
That, or try pirating in a trading vessel. Until then, your name calling is empty air. Warband Lancer Model.
Why would a trade ship vs a pirate ship EVER be a fair fight? Thats why bounty hunters exist AND why you can 'hire' (for trade dividends) some protection from other players. Its a balance of roles. If you want, you can equip some trade vessels with weapons and the best shields, with shield boosters but no matter what you do to a trade ship, it should never be a more capable fighter than.
As for trying to pirate in a trading vessel, the clipper and python are very viable. You get what you pay for with those ships. I dont mean to come off as dismissive or rude, I just dont get where some of your criticism comes from • • • • •. I don't mind people playing solo or group mode a bit. If their reasons for doing so were as I described then the name calling fits and is frequently shown with the I quit I'm going to solo posts. Continue to play solo and group mode.
Open players do not care that you play solo or group. Contemplate that. Edit: and if their reasons are otherwise then those listed I am not speaking about them.
I've never had issue with anyone playing solo or group. What I am saying is if you went there because someone killed you, you call it griefing, and refuse to figure out how to prevent it again and instead cry about it on reddit or the forums, as often happens, and use I'M GOING TO SOLO as your response as if anyone cares then you are a certified cry baby/whiner.
The whining you may refer to comes from people altering community goals in solo/group as they cannot be effected by players playing the opposite side attempting to blockade/stop a CG from finishing. I've yet to see a post from pirate leaning players complaining about no traders being in open. I see dozens if not over a 100 different trader's at CG's daily or passing through the popular clusters. Seriously stay in group/solo if you'd like.open players don't care other than feeling like counter-CG blockades don't have much effect. If anything most would like the open/solo split to be bigger and have different save games for each. Great job avoiding the primary point I was making.
Since you've decided that it's appropriate to stick with the name-calling, i'll stoop there, why not. I think you're a cocksucker for mindlessly blowing up defenseless ships, then telling your victim 'shoulda bought a 160,000,000 credit ship dude' I see dozens of griefers like you every week, acting like you're Long-John Silver, when all you're doing is racking up your lulz, then get defensive when people call you out on your bullshit with the tired old 'carebear' cries we've been hearing from gankers like you for a decade. You keep pointing the finger and calling out solo players. Now altering community goals without harrassment is the battle cry of the griefer. Christ man, You people just can't get enough. Fucking me in the ass isn't enough, now you want me to stick my finger in your ass while you do it?
The only people that want separate saves are the pirate/griefers, and your a minority. A loud, obnoxious one, but still a small subset of regular players. My only consolation is that you'll never get this wish.
First, before anyone cotradicts or flames me, hear me out. I have tested the majority of the current ships (excluding the Orca, Imperial Eagle, and Diamondback Exp.). I have tested 100% of the weapons and load combinations for aforementioned ships. Here are the issues that range from Medium to Large hardpoints: First, Railgins & Imperial Hammer variants carry an ammunition capacity far too small to consider when faced with alternative fixed hardpoints, especially for those that wish to not travel back to the station after a half-hour of combat. Fantastic weapon yes, but noyl viable for short combat engagements. Second, the Plasma Accelerator projectile speed vs. Damage output and overall use.
This is probably one of the most debated weapon choices currently in Elite Dangerous. Now, although these weapons do not suffer the same low ammunition payload, they do however suffer from accuracy, damage vs. Hit percentage, as well as over all general use in more agile engagements or smaller targets as a whole. Thus, it is outperformed by the Cannons a great deal of the time. Making the choice almost ignored as an option. Especially when compared to the popular Multicannon with sustained accuracy and damage report.
Viable even on the least agile ship.the Anaconda. Third, the existance of three laser variants. Pulse, is fantastic and most commonly used, Beam is equally fantastic and well balanced in power draw; whereas the Burst variant seems greatly underwhelming and simply a shrunken carbon copy of the pulse laser with a less than spectacular target effect. I feel this could be enchanced, perhaps increase the three-round burst count, in exchange of automatic fire with the offset of heat generation and/or greater power draw overtime. Fourth and final, the Missles.
Perhaps the greatest handicap for weapon loadout presently in Elite Dangerous. Yes, they were nerfed!But now ammo vs. Damage percentage, makes them all but useless in most secenarios. Payload is underwhelming, Damage per expense is comical to say the least. This makes one of the more 'unique' weapons in Elite Dangerous all but a dust collector to most weapon loadouts. In conclusion, I say this, because combat is one of the more entertaining and popular aspects of Elite Dangerous.
With so many blueprinted ship builds using the same loadouts, it is like the Clone Wars in space ships. With more versatility in weapon choices comes a deeper respect for alternative hardpoint fixtures. As it stands now, some of the most interesting weapons.are some of the worst to use. Heck, even cosmetic changes can be interesting.
I would love just the option of a green laser loadout. Or tracer rounds on cannons that would aid in the prediction of ballistics. I know present weapons probably are not a HUGE priority with the development team right now, but at least consider the fact there as 'untapped' resources in the base game at present. Originally posted by:no problem at all with the plasma acc in my view, u say they are not accurate i dont get what u mean? U have to manually aim the damn thing i have no problems at all aiming them, and with smaller ships u just waiting till they close rather than trying to shoot them 2+ km out, i think u just need more practice before u start winging Oh, and I am sure you are out there hitting Federal Assault Ships, Fer De Lances, Vipers, and 3/3 Wings all day in Haz-Res right? Give me a break, unless you are shadowing an Anaconda, Python, or Clipper you aren't hitting squat.
Plasma accelerators against good pilots are close to decorative magenta globs of light.nothing more. Lmfao dude if ur not hitting any other other ship than a conda u defo need to practice more and am like being deadly serious, i can hit all them ships u mentioned and am guessing alot of other pilots do too, like i dont mean to sound horrible but it does sound like u just have not practiced enough with that weapon.
Regarding the railguns yes i p[robly could have worded it better but i really was trying to say is that i think ther balanced because anymore ammo on them than ur just gonna have griefers raoming around 1 bombing people and then everyone will be crying ooooohhhhhh the games too hard the games not fair i think limiting the ammo puts people of using them like u said coz they have too keep returning to base to restock, were as if ur trying to rank up in fed or imperiel take a few assasination missions go railgun loadout ur laughing. Did you even read my initital description of my experience with Elite Dangerous? I own all but three ships.do you think I got to that point by not knowing what I was doing? This thread was a general perspective on all the weapons, loadout options, and viability in combat scenarios. If you disagree with the points made, that's fine, but don't say it's something wrong with me.it is the weapons themselves. If anything, they need to add ammo racks for utility slots.
In addition to my aforementioned points. Also, I am 87% Dangerous, 91% through Tycoon to Elite on Trade, 9% through Ranger in exploration (not really my thing right now) @ Lieutenant & Earl.
With 812 million left over from buying the last two ships I needed and placing A-spec internals on them (FAS/GunS). You are right! I so need to learn how to Elite Dangerous. Sorry man, Plasma sucks & Railguns don't have enough ammo *shrug*.
I didnt tell u how to elite dangerous i said u probly need more practice with the plasma acc because it seems u cant hit anything with it, were as i can. That maybe due to the fact ive been in a FAS for the past month with 3 fixed lasers and plasma acc on the top hard point. Ok so they give the railguns more ammo, makes no difference because u will then be on the forums complaining about how inacurate they are becaue if u cant hit anything with the plama acc u cetainly aint hitting nothing with railguns!!! Lets agree to disagree i think the weapons are fine but they need to fix the dam muticannons on the FAS and a few tweaks here and ther but nothing too major.
Some thoughts on some of your views (in no particular order:D ) I don't find burst underwhelming, I like the rapid punch they have. I hate Pulse, the low impact hosing they do, paired with the poor relative aim of turreted or gimballed versions put them in my bad books. With burst I know I can do a lot of damage reliably with a single trigger pull especially if my aim is good and that is a huge pro in my book. Pulse is more a hold the trigger down and if you hit with a lot of your shots you get ok damage for a low power/thermal load.
Burst is pull the trigger once, wait a second pull the trigger again etc, because you are firing it like that you get more relative damage out of your PD capacity because it recharges slightly between shots with that vital pause. People hate because they use burst like pulse just holding the trigger down, not a good strategy. Burst has better burst damage than pulse and at close range that means that if you are swinging your ship around with FA off dealing with fast movers and a small craft passes in front of your nose for a second you can pop it. That's something that with pulse you just can't do in that same time window, so when you are dealing with a wing of 5 vipers or eagles it's invaluable as you can pop a ship as it crosses your line of sight rather than having to chase them down - the difference between life and death for a big ship in a sticky situation (e.g. Wings of 5-7 small ships) Each weapon needs to be used differently, just like how you cant fly an FDL the way you fly a Viper, each has their own nuance. As for Railguns personally I don't think they need much ammo, they are only for popping subsystems and I feel they are only to be deployed on a larger ship with other weapons to support them. Those 30(31) shots can bring very quick kills on perhaps 20 large ships before they are dry in concert with a good mix of other weaponry to drop shields and expose vulnerable subsystems, this is why I feel they are supporting weapons.
Those 30(31) shots can equate to a very fast 6 millionish of bounty is a res zone per hour as they put the final blow in to big ships before you have to go an fill them up again and that seems pretty balanced to me for a decent run hunting before re-arm. I find the plasma performs much better for me than cannons do. Especially for bounty grinding, the annoying delay on the cannon fire more than mitigates their differences to plasma for me. I can kill something much faster with the huge plasma and 4 medium weapons in my FDL than I can with a huge cannon. I use it like a shotgun, I put my nose in the enemy ships gubbins like a dog saying hello to another one and pull the trigger. That way cant fail to hit even if I miss the targeted subsystem, they tear down shields very fast too. I see your post OP more as you saying that 'these weapons don't fit my play style' rather than 'here are objective pros and cons of these weapons'.
That's not a dig at you, more just food for thought. Try these other weapons with an open mind, don't try and use burst the way you use pulse, don't try and use plasma the way you use cannons, approach them with the mind set of how can I make these work rather than 'this' is not as effective as 'that' when used the same way and see what you think after a few more tests, it might change your view. Of course if it doesn't your are absolutely entitled to keep you view without changing it:D. @Ofan First, 3x Large Gimballed Pulse on a Python with x2 Medium Gimballed Cannons is the most deadly combination of all ships/weapons I have tried.
That includes the pro/con against my 800+ Million Anaconda. It is just nasty against everything in the game. Pulse lasers eat shields and you can fire for days.also with Gimballed Pulse working with Gimballed cannons you can immobilize larger ships in seconds. Which pretty much leaves them sitting ducks. By far my 'go-to' weapons. I don't get your dislike for them really. However, to each their own.
Second, it isn't my playstyle we are talking about. It is the effectiveness of the weapons. You guys are going to sit there and tell me you are landing shots on Cobras, Vipers, FAS, FDL etc. You must be the two best pilots in the Elite community. The vast majority hates them. Railguns are worlds better at both hitting targets and sustained damage.
There really isn't anything in the game on par with them right now. The issue is the ammo count. Not the weapons. Plasma is far worse at picking off fast movers. Even with the charge delay on the rails, they can hit sub-targets even at longer engagements. I get what you guys are saying. However, my point is, in testing every weapon on almost every ship.
The loadout viability is actually pretty narrow in the scheme of things. Generally, commanders are going to be using the same loadouts; this is based on damage numbers, prismatic penetration, and the shield meta on ships like the Anaconda.nobody I know is going to be using Plasma on a Commander in an FAS.period. If they are, they are a dead commander. Originally posted by:@Ofan First, 3x Large Gimballed Pulse on a Python with x2 Medium Gimballed Cannons is the most deadly combination of all ships/weapons I have tried. That includes the pro/con against my 800+ Million Anaconda. It is just nasty against everything in the game. Pulse lasers eat shields and you can fire for days.also with Gimballed Pulse working with Gimballed cannons you can immobilize larger ships in seconds.
Which pretty much leaves them sitting ducks. By far my 'go-to' weapons. I don't get your dislike for them really. However, to each their own.
Second, it isn't my playstlye we are talking about. It is the effectiveness of the weapons. You guys are going to sit there and tell me you are landing shots on Cobras, Vipers, FAS, FDL etc. You must be the two best pilots in the Elite community. The vast majority hates them. Railguns are worlds better at both hitting targets and sustained damage.
There really isn't anything in the game on par with them right now. The issue is the ammo count. Not the weapons. Plasma is far worse at picking off fast movers. Even with the charge delay on the rails, they can hit sub-targets even at longer engagements.
I get what you guys are saying. However, my point is, in testing every weapon on almost every ship. The loadout viability is actually pretty narrow in the scheme of things. Generally, commanders are going to be using the same loadouts; this is based on damage numbers, prismatic penetration, and the shield meta on ships like the Anaconda.nobody I know is going to be using Plasma on a Commander in an FAS.period.
If they are, they are a dead commander. I'm no where near the best shot out there, im pretty average id say with fixed, but I know that so the way I fly makes up for it, I only use them pount blank where you cant miss.I don't take long range shots unless it's at big ships, why would you take a long range shot with plasma at a viper just on temrs of its agility you are going to miss! That doesn't make sense. I have to disagree, playstyle is what dictates how effective something is going to be.
So the way you play and use the in game tools directly relates to how effective you will find them. It isn't enough just to try different weapons on different ships yo have to take the time to learn how to use them, like loading the FDL with fixed multis and the huge plasma you cant just get in and use it to be effective you need to actually learn all the subtleties of it. Different tools have different uses sure there is some overlap but you are missing out on the full scope of use of something if you treat all the weapons the same and just hold the trigger down or take potshots from long range.
To paraphrase something I heard that I cant quite remember properly. You can kill a man with both a sword and a gun but you wouldnt try and cut someones arm off with a gun. Each weapon has a certain way it is best employed a certain range it is best used from and certain rules of thumb to be followed to get the best from them. Firing long range plasma shots at vipers or just holding down the trigger with burst is not going to get the best results, that's why I say playstyle makes a difference. As for your comments about plasma and the community not liking them I'm sure the vast majority of people would find it hard to drive an F1 car or use a sniper rifle, it does not mean something is wrong with it or that they need improving:) Just saying 'people' don't like something or find it hard to use is not really an argument to evidence that something has flaws. That's all about technique which equates to playstyle.
Not saying I'm great or they are not either, it's just a real observation. Hope that helps you understand what I am saying:). I just don't see how occassional damage is even an option when you have sustainable damage options. It isn't that I don't like people disagreeing with me. It is just a healthy debate. Nothing aggressive intended. Sorry if it comes off that way.
I just tried for 30 minutes Plasmas on both my Python and Cobra, as I feel they have the best medium hardpoint convergence. I can't stand them. Less than 8% damage to an Elite Anaconda per 2 round lob., and that was the highest reported damage% decrease in integrity (average on connected hit was less than 4%).
Versus my two medium Gimballed Cannons (medium), which take out Elite Anaconda's power plants, on average, within 6 shots (3 secondary fire pulls with x2 shots each pull). Attempting the same sub-target highlight, it took me a great deal more time, and roughly 12 hits (6 secondary pulls with x2 shots per) to accomplish the same damage to sub-target. Not only are cannons better for target tracking, but they greatly outpower the hull and sub-target damage in contrast. The whole point, is why would anyone use them? Just like missles, they just aren't worth it. Like my initial post, why would anyone use Burst laser over Pulse or Beam?
I mean, yeah, if you want to deviate from the crowd, or use them because you like the audio or visual aspect of them; but when it comes to raw damage and target destruction.why would anyone use less than the best in that regard? I'm just confused by the defense of the weapons I listed.they clearly are not on par with other choices.