Ge Security Smart Connection Center Manual Muscle Testing Average ratng: 9,1/10 1165votes

I'm trying to find a means to order components for it without going through the sub contractor my builder uses since they inflate the prices so much. I'm hoping that another supplier might be able to answer questions about the data components and the local people really only know the audio/video side. (Does their router provide multi session VPN?) The version that the house will have terminates with RJ45 in the wiring center (no 110 blocks). I'll need 6 50' cables to run to the wall jacks so I need TWP on that end, but RJ45 on the other end. Since I only need 6 I don't want to buy a reel and make them myself, but so far the cabling places I've talked to say they cannot do it.

Ge Security Smart Connection Center Manual. We have put together a home security systems cost comparison table that. Job Interview Practice Test Why Do You Want.

Once I own this beast, will I be able to use components from Levitron, or do I have to stay with GE. The price I was given for a simple 8 port switch was $300!

Please check the front page for the latest news:. Check for detailed information. Utilities across the country are installing so-called ‘smart’ meters. As a result, bills are skyrocketing, health effects and safety violations are being reported, and privacy in our homes is being violated.

Do we really need wireless smart meters? Decide for yourself: Do you want an accurate, reasonably priced utility bill? Utility customers have noticed huge increases in their bill after a ‘smart’ meter is installed–in some cases hundreds of dollars more than usual. Utilities claim the meters are accurate,but unexplained over-billing has featured in many negative reports, all around the US. Do you value your health, and the health of your family and friends? Just as, why are we installing the same technology on everyone’s homes, often with no right to opt out? Thousands of people have complained of tinnitus, headaches, nausea, sleeplessness, heart arrhythmia, and other symptoms after a ‘smart’ meter was installed.

Wireless technology is a. Smart meters can on human exposure to microwave radiation, and are being installed even as people are developing. There are also reports of ‘smart’ meter interference with pacemakers and other implants. Do you value civil liberties and the right to privacy? When a ‘smart’ meter is installed, your utility has access to a treasure trove of information about your electricity usage, compromising your privacy.

Depending on the regulatory protections–and enforcement of those rules–in your state, they will be able to sell this information to a series of corporations and the government. Read the with the Electronic Frontier Foundation about how ‘smart’ meters violate privacy.

The ACLU in Vermont, and the have all condemned the lack of consumer privacy protection. Do you care about wildlife and cutting carbon emissions? Smart meters do not result in energy savings, according to. They may even increase energy consumption. There is also emerging evidence that wireless, non-ionizing radiation (from cell phones, wifi, and ‘smart’ meters) harms wildlife and damages trees. There have been direct reports of and. Are you concerned about job losses in this anemic economy?

PG&E claims that they are retaining 80% of their meter readers. What they don’t tell you is that several years back, they transitioned their meter readers from full time to temporary so the job loss would not appear so drastic. Utilities look upon smart meters as an easy way to boost profits by cutting jobs.

We cannot afford to lose thousands of jobs in this economy. Are you in favor of fire regulations that put the safety of residents first? At least, and other electrical hazards have been caused by ‘smart’ meters. Like most other smart meters, PG&E’s meters, as is required by electrical code for all electric appliances within the home.

Smart meters are potential ignition sources and remove utility personnel from neighborhoods. If meter readers had been present in San Bruno, would the gas leak have been detected in time to prevent the destruction of the neighborhood? Have reported unsafe installations. Here is another Are you alarmed about the decline of our democracy and informed decision-making? The conversion to smart meters is one of the largest technology rollouts in history, and yet virtually no public consultation with ratepayers or local governments was carried out in advance. The CA Public Utilities Commission, an appointed (not elected) body who are charged with regulating utility companies, ignored for years–though finally and belatedly producing an opt-out in early 2012 that costs.

Around the world utility companies continue to install smart meters, often without public awareness or consent. Hundreds of thousands of California residents continue to refuse to pay opt out fees. Utilities threaten disconnections, yet no one has yet been switched off to date, solely for refusal to pay (apart from a handful of SoCal Gas customers- 5/17). These threats appear to be an attempt to bully people into paying an illegal and illegitimate fee. Spread the word to friends and neighbors with, put a (pdf) sign in your front yard, demand the regulators and your local government back a SAFETY RECALL, REFUSE installation, and DEMAND REMOVAL!

In California have demanded a halt. Fifteen have even passed laws prohibiting smart meters. More ways to take action. The issue here is the right to choose. If you want one, go get one! But I choose not to have one and I shouldn’t be forced to get one.

Nor should I have to prove why to anyone regarding my choices and personal beliefs about what is healthy. The people who are claiming discomfort from these devices have nothing to gain. PG&E/Edison.have everything to gain by denying any negative findings = profit. If there is even a shadow of a doubt as to the safety of these devices, they shouldn’t be installed.

When we have the right to choose, everyone is happy. (oh, except maybe PG&Ewah wah). Bad science abounds!

Any conversation of EMF power radiation has to include discussion of the spectrum where the power is found. Everyone knows that microwaves cook stuff, but radio, or the visible light spectrum, does not. There is no reason to believe radiation given off from 60Hz house wiring is harmful. I’m with Mike on this. A few bursts of communication once an hour is nothing in comparison to your cell phone, especially when you’re actually talking on it with it next to your brain. As far as the right to choose. I agree that there is the potential for information abuse by these utility companies.

Therefore the easy solution is legislation that bans them from collecting information that can be gleaned from the data and bans them from passing any data to another entity. Yes, 60 Hz fields are large and constant. Some may be stronger than others due to improper wiring. Sending jolts to a body via a high magnetic field produces ultimate penetration.

This point seems to be overlooked. I guess if you think the cell is simple than you may not understand the rest. This activity is dangerous especially at night, when the body is trying to repair itself. Cells communicate with signals and these are disrupted by pulsed magnetic fields.

When someone compares a cell phone with a smart meter attached to energized wiring, it shows their lack of understanding of the dangers these smart meters pose to the unsuspecting public. I live in the country and am resisting a smart water readerI have been threatened with a shut off of my water for refusing. Yes, it’s true that each smart meter emits these hz and only for 2 seconds every hour.

That Burst as it’s called can travel up to 1.5 miles in distance with each burst. Now, if the majority of homes in my hood, about 30 of them, are all emitting every hour that’s 2 seconds times 30 homes times 24 hours totals 1440 emissions per day just in my neighborhood. That’s alot of radiation daily. Cell phones I can turn on and off. I have no control over these smart meters and legally, should not be forced or intimidated to place one on my home.

Dan, You really do write and talk a load of Rubbish or Bulls Wool to put it politely, please get off your derriere and do some proper research into microwaves and the damage they do to all LIFE, Human, Animals and insects and yes vegetable life such as delicate creepers close to these destructive and deadly Type 2B Carcinogen Meters called Smart Meters. Smart Meters my ARSE! There is nothing smart about these deadly toys of Satan. I know, here in Victoria Australia they are just like in America and Canada and England and all countries of the World causing untold harm and destruction to the very D.N.A and red blood cells of humans and animals alike and causing massive leaf drop off from threes and turning delicate plant creepers leaves a horrid leathery brown colour as well. As for the Bill of Right Sleepy Dan you have the right not to have these so-called Smart Meter Installers coming ILLEGLLY onto peoples’ properties and taking and or sneakily stealing the Safe and Passive and far from dumb Electric Meters from now so many outraged Electricity Customers.

The same sneaky stealing of the Safe and Passive Analog Electric Meters is going on here in Victoria Australia as it is world-wide even now. Shame I say Shame on all of your sneaky not-so-smart meter installer men and worst of all Shame on you horrid C.E.O’s of the Electric Power Companies in America and Canada and Victoria, Australia and every country of the WORLD! Us people that install them are not being sneaky. We knock or ring door bell and if no one answers with in a timely fashion we change it out. We have a job just like anyone else and have a number the power company wants us to hit each day. The meters are property of the power company and have every right to put the new meters in. You the customer pay for the services but dont own the meter nor the box.

The power company sends out a post card to inform you and it is not there fault if you don’t go through and read all of your mail to make sure you don’t over look something important. Power is a service you pay for and if you do not want the smart meter go off grid and get solar power then you don’t have to deal with the power company and their up grades.

Us installers have these same meters installed in are own homes as well as we handle them every day up to 10 hours a day and if it was not safe for us to install them the power company that pays us to do so would not have us do so because they do pay are health insurance and would not put out extra money for health insurance if it was making us sick. @Dan Dan you have no idea what you are talking about.

It may be your opinion that electricity is not a right but as far as building codes and government go not to mention 1st world society, electricity and water are both deemed necessities and thus you can not build, and then occupy a structure (for purposes of residing there) without both. You certainly can do this without cable tv or even internet service but water and power are both mandatory because they are necessities.

Since the utility has a captured market (because it sells something people must have) it has a responsibility in how it does business and so it cannot simply treat its customers like dogs because it wants to push smart meters to all its users. If you are a really person and not some undercover hack working for the utilities or the government then open you r eyes and see whats really going on. The documentary ‘Take Back Your Power’ exposes the big lie about SMART Meters and the SMART Grid, how they are about monitoring and nothing to do with efficiency or a greener/better world. And before you decide to make some kind fo ‘tin-foil’ comment about government spying keep in mind that its already been proven that the US Federal Government illegally spies on US citizens so this is no longer a conspiracy theory. You are right, but we are forced to buy from 1 company with no choice. Our “company” cuts deals with state regulators and we the people are paying the price. We are not allowed to throw up 300 tall wind generators in the city limits.

We are not allowed to run a propane generator and no working person can afford a decent solar system. So you are right, it is not a “Right” but by God it is my RIGHT to say what info in my house is transmitted to God knows who. Everyday we hear about hackers hitting all they can. Jeeps, Banks, Computers, etc Well this is my house.

I can’t shut off the electricity because the government will take my kids. I can’t use alternative sources, or alternative companies, so tell me there buddy, how can you tell me I don’t have the RIGHT to say NO to what kind of contraption some corporate hack and Government Nazi tell me I have to use? If you think we are supposed to CONTINUE to take their B.S. At face value and comply blindly, then you obviously missed history class.

I don’t know about the different complaints, but I do know they are transferring my life over to a computer. And that is not ANYBODYS business. All they need is the amount used from the 1st day of the cycle to the last day. Not what is drawing, when it is, or when it is not. They can continue to do that in analog. If it ain’t broke, don’t mess with it. When what happened to us happens to you you will shut your yap and delve into the truth.

I have never heard such a bunch of un-educated drivel. What rock do you live under?Environmentally unsafe “smart meters” are already decimating bee colonies (do you like to eat)?I suspect you work for PG&E, Mike.This goes well beyond the safety hazards to humans. The increase in rates and infringement on our rights and privacy.Dr.

Bill Wattenburg(considered the “smartest man in the world”(nuclear physicist)Senior research scientist).says. The CPUC did not do the needed “field”testing ( the suppliers of the metersmeters did).He says CPUC cannot do the job.And seldom report anything that might embarass their source of income!!!He suggests that the legislature must take charge and demand an independant study be done. He says these meters are very dangerous.Our constitution demands this!

Richard, your still around? Still trying to prove a fallacy? Have you removed your smart meter yet? Still taking the bait or watching in real time? This poor woman and so many others out there have relied on your disregard for a precautionary approach.

Especially when so many now are waking up to the danger. Like all lies they are exposed, it’s just a matter of time. Doctors are scratching their heads all over town wondering why they can’t cure the symptoms spread by smart meters.

They’ve been programmed to listen to people like you. They can’t use their common sense anymore. You would tell us it’s coincidence that once people remove their death meter they miraculously get well. The lie is too big to cover up.

Descargar Juegos Para Pc Windows Vista Starter Gratis. Bad news travels quickly. I’m glad too see the snowball effect is rolling well as people become informed.

Anyone that tries to win their argument by pointing out grammatical mistakes has already lost (unless it’s a spelling bee). Stop trying to shut down a very viable possibility just because you work for the company that makes these meters.

You got roasted by truth and resorted to grammatical errors as your backup evidence to prove your point. Your unwillingness to even stay on the subject gives me the feeling that you have no idea what you are talking about, but at least you took an English class or too, ha ha ha. Richard, all you seem to have is a great desire to discount Paul’s research and points and your best evidence is talking about grammar. This feels very shill-like to me and I’m glad you’re amused but I’m not Thank you for your respectful debate and useful information Paul. Dear Gail, The time for any further studies on these dopey and deadly Electric Microwave Type 2B Carcinogen so-called Smart Meters is a waste of time. The now world-wide evidence from the World Health Organisation and other august bodies of Medical and Electromagnetic Research people who are not ” In the Pockets” of these truly now proving to be Corrupt and Money Grubbing and Money Worshiping Microwave Industries and their Sales people is now irrefutable.

How long will it be until all of these deadly dangerous and dopey so-called Microwave Electric so-called Smart Meters are ripped out of homes and small business properties, and the Safe and Passive Electric Analog Meters are reinstalled at the Electric Power Companies’ expense, that is the Burning Question that needs an immediate answer? The battery in a Smartmeter is not big enough to create the kinds of radiation discussed here.

Maybe we, as a society have run out of problems. Maybe the act of worrying about the new meters is more toxic than the meters themselves. Also, not one permanent PG&E meter reader will be displaced as a result of this program. The Permanent employees will be offered other jobs in the company, 100% of them. The other employees, are temps. They were hired as temps, and knew going in that they were hired for a period of 1 year or less. There is NO battery in an electric ‘smart’ meter.

This is documented in statements made by Silver Spring Networks and PGE executives at the “Opt-Out workshop” which took place at the CPUC. Video: Electric ‘smart’ meters work off grid electricity only. For “last gasp” transmission at point of outage they use a capacitor. Also at the workshop we managed to get them to admit that the power of the 1-watt transmitter is increased to a rule-breaking 2.5 watts due to the 4db antenna inside. Transmitters in the FCC-unlicensed band of 902-928MHz are not allowed to transmit with more than 1 watt.

Corruption in the CPUC and the FCC has allowed this already-too-lenient rule to be broken. We have technicians measuring these meters, and their measurements suggest that the Instantaneous Peak Power (IPP) of these transmitters is VERY HIGH, much higher than PGE or the CPUC will admit. THEY KNOW there is a problem. But the same people who brought you (NO) biologically-based safety testing on your cell phone have made it possible for your utility to install these rule-busting RF transmitters on very nearly each and every house in CA, and all across the US. Please do a bit of research before you comment.

Admin, I took a close look at a SmartMeter installed about a year ago, it was a Landis+Gyr, it said right on it that the power must be turned off to replace the battery inside. Also, I read in a recent article that PG&E is indeed going to start upgrading the power grid in about a year. The project is expected to cost around $300 million, and that has nothing to do with the $2.2 billion meter project. What they are going to do is install sensors at intervals on the circuits coming out of the sub-stations to monitor for power outages and monitor total loads used by all the customers on that circuit. That is how PG&E will know directly how much power is being used instead of relying on the billing radio network.

In that article, they did mention that some of the SmartMeters do have batteries to report outages, but that using sensors is much more reliable and effective. At this point, I don’t know what to believe about the SmartMeters, they change their sales pitches all the time. I think that the outage detection function of the SmartMeters was just another sales pitch to sell the project to the public, but has no real value or effectiveness. And of course, nothing will ever prevent outages, they will always happen no matter what kinds of sensors used.

I know my local PG&E lineman foreman, and I know what is done in outages, they have to identify the problem, fix it and inspect the whole circuit visually first before re-energizing the circuit to make sure that there are no other faults down line. Sensors do nothing to help them, and they are not going to re-energize a circuit before checking the whole thing, otherwise all their work could be in vein. I saw near my house that a little twig blew across the primary conductors in a storm, it caused the 5000 volt cutout fuses to blow, and our power was out for 3 days because PG&E was overwhelmed during that storm. The crew that finally came up and found that twig was from another region. That’s funny.

Instantaneous Peak Power? The power output is Root Mean Square, not IPP. Of course a 1W signal can have an IPP of 2.5W, or 5W, or 500W (an impulse wave has an instantaneous peak and drop; theoretically, it has an IPP of infinite and a RMS power level of 0). Higher frequency signals will have higher peak power for the same transmission power: if you put 1W on a 60Hz circuit, you get 1WRMS and about 1.3W IPP; 1W on 1MHz has a higher IPP, but it’s still 1W of power and it still exposes you to 1W/s of energy every 1 second.

This value, the RMS, is the actual power of the waveform; it is what determines how effectively the signal can penetrate interference, how it is absorbed and scattered by objects and atmosphere, and thus how far the signal reaches usefully. High-gain antennae don’t increase power output. They increase focus: signal strength is diminished in some direction, and increased in some other.

You have to energize the transmitter circuit with more power to get more power out; the antenna doesn’t matter, aside from being an effective antenna, and not melting from that much power passing through. In any case, these transmitters aren’t the cause of much of any interference; they only transmit sparsely.

They’re essentially harmless. A class 2b carcinogen pulsing microwave frequencies throughout your home is ok with you? Did you know that your brain operates at 8HZ?

Do you understand that your cells function with electricity? Your body is a resistor because it doesn’t operate at the same frequency as all wireless devices. I can choose not to have wireless saturating my home. Unfortunately there are millions who are being sickened by the smart meter and they don’t have a clue why they are waking up in the middle of the night for hours at a time. My point is that if the water company put large amounts of acid in your water and you were being harmed by it, then it would be ok? Just because they have a captive audience doesn’t mean that they have a right to harm.

Your type thinking would be right at home in Nazi Germany. Microwave is not carcinogenic. For one, it’s not a chemical; but, putting semantics aside, microwaves don’t damage DNA. If your microwave oven malfunctioned and the door opened while the magnetron was on, you would experience burns–that is to say, you would experience exactly the same type of injury as if your propane grill flared up in your face. Your cells would cook to death; the water in them will buffer the microwave energy entirely, which means they’ll heat up. Interestingly, this is the principle a microwave oven works on. This is why microwaves can’t heat fat, but they can heat fatty products containing water.

If your eyes aren’t noticeably damaged within an hour or two of exposure, you’re not being exposed to dangerous levels of microwaves. Dear Nancy Lefever, Agenda 21 is there in America and here in Victoria Australia as well, in fact it’s now world-wide. Padlock your Electric Meter Boxes folks and only then put up your Legal Commonwealth Anti-Trespass Signs in that order. Just the signage will not stop these Smart Meter Installer people stealing the Safe and Passive Analog Electric Meters from you. I don’t give a Tinker’s Cuss if the cruel and Money Grubbing Electric Power Companies do own the Safe and Passive Analog Electric Meters, I refuse to accept a Deadly M/Wave and dopey Incendiary Electric and far from Smart Meters, so you STUPID C.E.O’s of the various Electric Power Companies.” Stick that in your tobacco pipes and smoke that!”.

George, You are being wilfully ignorant of the damage that these dopey Electric Microwave so-called smart meters can and do to many homes and small businesses in America and Canada and overseas. Many here in Victoria Australia are being proven to be Incendiary Electric Meters. I have documented many fires caused by these dopey so-called smart meters after they have been put onto homes and flats and small businesses here in Victoria, Australia. Yes I noted another three house fires in Victoria over the last week and every one on them started after the so-called Smart Meters had been very recently installed. Electricity does that in general. People who claim electricity is safer than some other power source are ludicrous. Australia has a campaign warning about dangerous injury from hot water bottles, 200 painful injuries per year; but short circuits in electric blankets cause 5000 house fire fatalities in Australia every year.

An electric light socket can eventually develop a fault which causes overheating and fire. A mouse can chew on your electric wiring, damaging the insulation and creating a narrow spot in the conductor, causing multi-hundred-degree temperatures inside your walls, igniting your house. Faulty batteries and batteries exposed to a faulty circuit catch fire. Some smart meters were defective. In the same way, some wifi routers could be defective; some televisions could be defective; some cell phones have even exploded due to faulty power control circuitry causing the battery to internally short and catch fire. A wiring fault in your keyboard–a bad solder joint causing a narrow bridge across the primary power and ground circuits–could heat up and melt the plastic, and eventually ignite it.

CFL light bulbs have caught fire due to failed ballasts (seriously, gas lighting was better). Electricity is basically fire. It’s physically completely different; but functionally it’s a huge amount of energy moving around, and it can put off bitchloads of heat if let out fast enough. December 2013: Yes our power company in Idaho did try to force their way onto our property. The man yelled at us- “You can’t stop me! I’m gonna do it anyway.

I’ll call the Sheriff on you!” Long after dark on a Friday night and after business hours. We had no way to verify their legitimacy with the power company. They did not show ID or any written notice at the door. This was to “re-install a smart-meter head.” They admitted it was not an emergency repair. The main office 35 miles away was not receiving the signal, they claimed.

We informed them that nobody was going to enter our property without advance notification and verification. Please leave and come back Monday with written notification when we can verify your job order with the power company. They did not leave, and after they threatened to invade our property we were so scared we called the police department to protect our rights. In this case, finally, after an hour with the police; we were able to make it official enough that everybody expected a lawsuit and the “power company” people left. Come Monday we did not receive any notice from the power company of work to be performed.

By Tuesday we shut off and locked our own gas meter and demanded they come and remove the meter during daylight hours. Now we no longer fear a gas leak in our basement- Mission Accomplished! Yes, But precision in language is directly related to precision in thought.

I would like to address the “employment” issue above. If an electric utility can provide the service with few employees and then frees up those employees to use their time in other areas, wouldn’t this be a positive thing?

Suppose it takes 1000 people to service all the analog meters. 40,000 man-hours consumed per week just to read these meters. If the smart meters reduce that need to 100 people (4000 man-hours) then wouldn’t we have 36,000 man-hours per week to devote to other projects. Such as developing a replacement for smart-meters that don’t emit such radiation?

Or planting a community garden to reduce the CO2 footprint associated with transporting food to the community? Sorry Mike but you are misinformed about how many times these meters pulse. In our community it has been discovered through testing that the meters pulse every 14 seconds all day long, every day. Does that change your attitude about how safe they are? I doubt it would but it is something to be aware of. We were told the same story but we took testing equipment and found out for ourselves that the company lied to us. Trust your water company at your own peril.

Verify for yourself before you post something you accept as fact without scientific proof. Mike–No one from the water company or our city council ever mentioned that they were going to install these meters.

They just did it without home-owners being informed. Then we found out and we are now demanding they be removed. They want us to pay a ridiculous opt-out fee for something we never were informed of and never made a decision to opt-in in the first place. That is an intrusion on my personal property and my personal rights. Whether you think they are safe or not, we deserve the right to choose.

You do too, unless your community is a member of Agenda 21 and ICLEI. Why don’t you tell people about what that is?

A UN sustainability scam that allows them to over-rule any members rights to refuse installation of these productsLook that up while you’re at it. You do not have that RIGHT Anymore. You cannot be off grid in a city. Utility companies have a no compete clause. You can not provide your own power alone and must be hooked up to the Grid. The power you do make they can measure over the grid. Utility companies should not have a right to meter my power on my property without my concent of how it’s done.

We got a New smart water meter a few years ago, I watched my bill more than Dbl 3/4 of the bill is taxes and fees and sewage that’s not even measured. You Tax me putting it in and tax me sending it out, I’m being taxed at both ends. What are all the Fees?

I’m payin for the meter over and over. After this water meters went in my cell phone reception inside my house went from good to almost not working at all.

After the house next door got an Electrical meter My 2.5 ghz wireless keyboard started to stop working without problems of skipping letters and adding too many. I’m home 24/7 my house so far has a analog meter, I will not let them change it out. Do I have A choice, perhaps not should I Hell yes its my house I own it I have a Right to say what can and can’t be done to it.

Installing a meter on the side of the house in a box I own that can monitor my every move damage my appliances, and be shut off remotely and subjects me to RADAR RF Radiation the same stuff used in a microwave oven, I’m not talking about power moving in the wires on the house, I’m talking about the cell phone tower on the side of your house inside the meter, that relays signals to a main computer in your area and sends that to next collection station and onto the Main collecting office where all the information about you your power usage and when your home is stored indefinitely. These meters coupling method are so sensitive you can determine keystrokes on a keyboard by its electrical signature. This is a straight up violation of the second amendment of the US constitution. I don’t see a court order for wiretapping.

By the way this is how wire tapping is done. Energy moving up a set of wires make a magnetic field this in turns makes an electrical signal that can be read, or play a speaker or whatever. Its called induction and a lot of devices use it today to work.

I might not have a DGr in electrical engineering but it’s been a focus of mine for the past 44+ years, and I have worked in the field. People that do not understand how these work or what it means should read and learn. The point is to pass Laws Protecting our right to Privacy and health and safety from Fire and A True Fair Bill for services rendered.

Don’t forget if it can read with induction it can also force and change the meter’s readings remotely. How can we Prove our bills right if the meter can change its reddings?

So if the power company wants a rate increase all they have to do is run a program, who’s to know the difference? How can you prove it? Even if it’s 1 KWH a year that’s billions of dollars a year in profits and we can’t prove. It violates True Weights and measures laws.

And gives the power company the keys to the piggy bank. So either Fight Smart meters or be a victim of your own blind eye, don’t bitch at me when your power bill went from 135.00 a month to a 365.00 a month in the winter months, and you just installed all LED Light bulbs. Or you come home to find 1/2 your house burned down because of the NEW SMART METER and its unable to protect your home from Spike power feeds that happen all the time. Maybe it wasn’t the house but your smart dishwasher burnt up, or your clock radio burst into flames because the capacitor couldn’t handle the peak in power. Or that brand new Favorite toy you just got the 7.1 AV receiver burst into flames and the manufacturer won’t cover it under warranty, and it cost less then your homeowners deductible.

But its ok you won’t be able to use it anyway because you’re getting a 2nd or third job to pay to replace it a fourth time. I am one of those people who would ordinarily be immediately skeptical of someone claiming to have adverse reactions to Smart Meters. However, right after SCE installed Smart Meters on our house and our neighbors’ houses I started to experience serious cardiac arrhythmia. I am an avid runner and have run numerous 1/2 marathons and a marathon in April-2012. I’m in excellent health and have never before had heart issues.

The persistent arrhythmia stops once I leave my house and returns when I come home. I don’t think this is a coincidence. In addition to cardiac arrhythmia, I’ve had a sudden onset of asthma which has required me to use a steroid and a rescue inhaler. We have opted out and SCE will be changing our meter back to an analog meter in a few weeks. But we have to pay $75 for the change and an additional $10 monthly fee – forever – which seems extremely unfair considering the installation of Smart Meters was not our idea. And unfortunately this won’t completely solve my issues as our neighbor’s Smart Meter is locate about 4 feet from my kitchen and about 20 feet from my bed. There is nothing I can do about that unless I offer to pay for my neighbor to remove their meter and pay them $10 per month indefinitely.

I doubt they would even agree to such an arrangement. The whole thing is just wrong. Ya Richard, you tool! It’s just a freaking coincidence right? Why do the symptoms vanish once the smart meter emissions are removed. ( latest scam.remove smart meter and replace with automated meter) Wow, people are looking quite pale and unhealthy nowadays. You can’t wiki that one.

Maybe because their glands are suffering from chronic exposure of pulsed microwave exposure? Wait, don’t tell me. You are still waiting for an answer to come flashing across the tv or computer screen! A wireless funded study has now explained that all our major illnesses were caused by them!

Remember when doctors smoked and said it didn’t harm us? Just because wireless dangers aren’t taught in American universities doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Whatever you do Richard keep your smart meter and all of your wireless on. First of all, Paul, I don’t call YOU names Next, I provided the wiki reference only “FWIW” and not to end this dialogue, but instead to provide some basis for evaluating your longstanding claim. And finally, I am NOT waiting for the media to provide me with an answerbut I *continue* to wait for those (such as yourself) to provide more than hearsay to support your claims/beliefs/fears of harm due low-power (that’s key here!) EMF/wireless technologies.

I have no doubt that such wireless technology affects us at some level and yes, I understand that life is fundamentally electro-chemical, so let’s not go down that road again but do these technologies affect us to the point of physical discomfort or biological harm? That’s what I question. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it againIf it’s real, then it should be testable 🙂. Are you telling us that you are a not a proponent of the smart meter? “Tool” would be my definition of your position here. I believe you may be missing the evidence or study.

It’s right under your nose. This is either largest experiment or the largest purposeful harm ever conducted in history. We as unwilling test subjects are complaining, documenting, and suffering across the country everyday. You continue to deny our claims, which is somewhat irritating. When people stop looking for a cause and rely on a drug to mask their ailment then programming has done its job. Your health issue is most likely the result of chronic exposure to wireless radiation.

Find it, be aware of it, and protect yourselfwhat’s the big deal? I have found my studies at this website I have been able to reproduce evey one of her findings. My brother-in-law is a doctor and he too has a father with diabetes. He suggested that his dad take more medication, I found that a cordless phone was the cause. The doctor had a hard time grasping the idea that such a, FCC approved, harmless device could cause such havoc. My dad has no smart meter or wireless devices zapping him when he sleeps.

His dad does and a blood sugar level that is high. My dad has normal levels on just 1/4 of his medication after 29 years of uncontrollable diabetes. I heard a doctor tell an audience that a lung issue was the reason why everyone woke up at the same time.what a bunch of b.s.

If wireless is left out of the equation then the doctors will never find the right answer. Richard, it is quite easy to test oneself for electrosensitivity by wearing a heartrate monitor and introducing an RF field periodically. Magda Havas has also shown that blood tests also can provide an indication of EMF exposure. As far as “physical discomfort”, there is strong evidence that supports the theory that many people actually prefer high RF environments precisely for its numbing capabilities. Your expectation that a test should exist that provides uniform results for the entire population is unrealistic. It’s unclear whether this fence-riding absolutism is your personal defense mechanism or just a way to get people riled up.

@Paul – “You continue to deny our claims, which is somewhat irritating.” Oh my! So Am I just supposed to blindly accept and somehow further substantiate your claims? @SMs – “Your expectation that a test should exist that provides uniform results for the entire population is unrealistic”. Absolutely true! That’s why scientists isolate variables and test only samples (robust samples) of the entire population. And test, and test, and test! Then report any significant findings.

So, let’s see it done on more than n=1 or 2. Fence-riding absolutism? – I question what I read here (based on sound science and statistics); I pose reasonable questions that go either unanswered or ignored; I express my own uncertainties about low-power EMFs; I have some doubts, but I don’t call people names; and because of this I am labeled with “fence-riding absolutism”? You’re tempting me toward name-calling 🙂. @SMs – Your “absolutism” label has really got me stumped You and your like-minded souls are the ones carrying and waving the flag of absolutism Stating in no uncertain terms that you are hurting; that low-power wireless (telecomm) radiation is the cause; and expecting that we simply accept your claims as truth. There’s *your* absolutism!

My only absolute is that this anti-SmartMeter movement will continue to lose momentum unless some dedicated souls organize/contract/conduct and present a robust scientific evaluation of low-power EMF on the human body Until then, you are free to wander around on your side of the fence, mumbling that such an evaluation is unrealistic. Richard, I never had any doubt about which side of the fence you are on. You subscribe to the “thermal effect” caveman theory and dismiss evidence that there is disruption of intracellular communication from levels way below FCC guidelines.

I have an experiment for you and others reading this. You will need help from another person. First, call a number on a cell phone and place it to your chest. Second, with the other hand being held out at waist level have the other person try to push down that hand. You will notice that your hand will go down without much resistance. Next try the same experiment but without the cell phone on and in the other room turned off. You may hold something else like a glass if you think that its just a sidetrack.

You will notice a huge difference in resistance. I would like to hear from anyone that did not have the same results. Richard, Four questions: 1. Do you think that people who do not want a smart meter should be able to choose a non-transmitting analog meter without additional cost? Of ALL the information you’ve read/viewed/heard, what has been the most compelling specific piece that has made you consider that there is nothing wrong with a precautionary approach to man-made EMF (LF/RF)?

What is the field strength or power density of the space where you spend most of your time posting on SSM! Are you actually Phil Carson? Richard, nice try! It’s actually called disruption of intracellular communication. It happens because your body is on a different frequency. You are absorbing this high frequency because microwaves are absorbed by water.

It actually confuses the central nervous system and communication between the cells. You did call me a troll by the way and gave a link to what a troll looks like. I found it interesting that Craigslist disinformation agents use the same link when running across someone with good info. I don’t care who you are but i do thank you for the debate.

The truth always wins and I know I’m on the right side of it.I have not made up one thing I have posted. @SMs – WRT#2: Would I say “there is nothing wrong with a precautionary approach to man-made EMF”? Yeah, I’d agree with that. But I can’t put my finger on any single source of compelling influence. I just think that greed drives society to extremes; in the case of the wireless industry: more, better, faster. And I don’t agree with that philosophy.

But many people are addicted to it, and the wireless companies feed that addiction. As far as SmartMeters are concerned, why NOT do the measurement remotelyFrankly, it’s about time! If it helps the power company better understand how its product [essential, as it is] is being consumed on an hourly basis, so they can optimize production and distribution to the millions of people that share and depend on the resource, then I’m all for it. 🙂 But back to the precautionary approach with EM fields, I guess for me it’s more about the scale of the precautionWhen I read the Bioinitiative Report of 2007, it piqued my curiosity, and I kept the 0.1 uW/cm^2 (PL) in the back of my mind, but I found that those levels were fleeting in my day-to-day activities and in my suburban work environment. And now (2013 report), to cut that PL down by another 1/100+ seems to me unreasonable.

To be honest, I don’t know what level is okay to be around, but I’ve climbed a lot of mountains and eaten a lot of lunches near the megawatt telecomm arrays that are all around. And I’ve never run into anyone that feels like they are suffering when they are near the towersAnd I haven’t read any compelling studies of disease in the vicinity of telecomm towersor from cell phone useor from anything related to low-power wireless communication So, I question what I read here when people claim suffering from these low-power SmartMeters. But I’m still curious, and that’s why I’m here 🙂. Richard, Would you agree that every smart meter emission is different? Did you know that microwaves from the meter are absorbed by metal, then released at different frequencies, and amplified by up to 20db?

There is also energized wiring all around us in our homes. Are you aware that the emissions ride on that wiring? Why do the smart meters emit 4 watts of microwave radiation for 90 seconds around 3 or 4am? I am probably wrong but your writing is recognized as that of Phil Collins with Intelligent Utility. So if you have the inside scoop check it out. Open your eyes and look results of this massive catastrophe. Notice the times where the smart meter peaks (3-4am) and consumer use.

There is activity for at least an hour immediately after that major reading. You may be in denial and call it coincidence but there is a correlation. Measurement with an isotropic (3-axis) meterI’ve posted (here, somewhere) on the measurements in the *area* behind the meter, but I can’t find the postAnyhow, power density conversions don’t work within 3 wavelengths (~1 m) of the source, so to report those near field values (“against the wall”) would not make any sense. As for the opt outIt’s not confusingI think that anyone who doesn’t want a SmartMeter should be able to keep their analog. However, I can’t advocate for (i.e., support) that position because I don’t know of any rational explanation for why someone would want to keep their analog.

If people want to opt out, then fine, let ’em. I’m not going to get involved with peoples’ preference for technology or not. If they have issues, then great; keep your analog, live long, and prosper 🙂 Should there be a fee? I don’t care My base rate is about $0.13230 per kWh, and last year it was $0.12845 I wonder how much that 1/3 of a cent will net the utility? And I wonder how much that is when multiplied by all their customers Point being that with their deep pockets they could easily pay for a few regional meter readers to satisfy the opt-out crowd The question is still: WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO OPT OUT? Richard, Would you agree that electromagnetic waves are almost identical to light waves? Are you aware of the function of the pineal gland and what stimulates it?

Think for a moment of a flashing light all around you. Just because you can’t see man made electromagnetic radiation doesn’t mean that your glands don’t recognize it. You seem to be hung up on thermal affects which is caveman science and a ridiculous talking point meant for a conversation back in the 50’s. The Russians knew what it would do to us. Why do you think they were so eager to lease AT&T the sattelites to advance our cell network?

@Paul – Yes, Paul 🙂 In fact I can state for the record with the utmost certainty that light waves ARE electromagnetic waves. (duh!) Am I “aware of the function of the pineal gland and what stimulates it?” – Why are you hung up on the pineal gland? Yeah, Paul, I get it; I am not denying your knowledge, but I *am* questioning your claim in light of (no pun intended) your lack of evidence AGAIN Yet, you continue to deflect (umm, actually, ignore) any questions regarding your claims. If you want to link sleep disturbances to SmartMeter activity, then you’re gonna have to do more to support your assertions. And anyone that jumps on your bandwagon of unsubstantiated claims is a fool.

@Paul – And regarding your link from Read (really read) page 23 of the doc and you will see their conservative limits of 0.01 mW/cm^2 Converting this to the commonly cited unit of microwatts, instead of milliwatts, yields 10 uW/cm^2 Now what’s the maximum reading in front a SmartMeter? Well, at about 1 meter front of mine the max is between 5 and 10 uW/cm^2, and that is a fleeting pulse every couple minutes or so, with less intense pulses occurring within that time. Make of that what you will. Richard, Have you placed a baby monitor or cordless base station next to your bed connected to a timer that someone else set for a 2 or 3am wakeup yet?

Have you realized that smart meter emissions are identical to light waves? Do you understand these bursts of information are identical to a flash of light and that your eye recognizes it? Did you know that the pineal gland receives that message from the eye and stops producing melatonin? This is all just plain simple science.

Do you really mean that anyone believing this is a fool? Do you understand how ridiculous your argument looks right now? I have been waking up around 3 am, 3:15 am for no apparent reason for at least a year, maybe longer, and have no idea why, I have also been having sharp pains in my heart, and the incessant ringing sound is making me almost want to kill myself. I need to find somewhere to live to get away from smartmeters (I don’t have one but my neighbor does) and it’s too bad because my son and I love our home and friends and town. I’m not crazy or weird. I’m totally normal, suffering extreme effects from Smartmeters. Just because you don’t doesn’t give you the right to judge others.

You probably have lots of health problems and have no idea why. @Kersti – Sorry you are suffering. I can understand that you would seek an explanation. I’m just curious why you associate the suffering with SmartMeters? Maybe you are sensitive to EMFs, and my mind is open to that possibility. But I have yet to see [actually, there has yet to be] any robust study of “electrosensitivity” (or EHS) that stands up to scientific scrutiny.

Furthermore 1. Where is your neighbor’s SmartMeter in relation to your home? And how close? Do you (or your son) use *any* other wireless devices in your home? (phones, routers, televisions, audio systems, games, etc.) Again, I’m just curious why you associate the suffering with SmartMeters? You seem to be so sure that so many people have these ‘symptoms’, yet nobody in my family, or any of my visitors, have had any ‘symptoms’ since the smart meter was put on our house nearly two years ago. We also have a solar meter transmitting back to verango or however you spell it, again, with no issues.

I do believe some people may be more sensitive to EMFs, call it an allergy if you will, but I find it very hard to believe that nearly 1% of the American population (you did say millions!) is, considering only smart meters have brought up this debate. 4 whole watts! I sleep with a WiFi router, and a radio transmitter, nearly 15 feet away from me, with no issues. But I simply do not understand the studies here, and will admit this.

Good luck with everything however, and I suggest staying away from vehicles! The Smart Meter was installed at our house in July of 2009. Shortly after I developed tinnitus, the buzzing and ringing in the ears is very unpleasant! I’m older and my insomnia is not unexpected, so I didn’t think too much about that. I recently read in the Wall Street Journal that these symptoms could be caused by this new meter. My problems began a little more than 3 years ago, so the timing is quite the coincidence. Since the first of the year I’ve had vertigo.

To have the meter removed is $75 and a monthly charge by SDGE of $10. It is far too simplistic to fit everyone into a cookie cutter world. Some people and animals are sensitive to EMF’s and some less so.

We had allowed a smart meter to be installed one year ago and did not expect any bad result. We have several pets and myself who spend alot of time in our home where as my husband spends much less time here. We are healthy and take very good care of ourselves ie. We eat whole organic foods, including our pets, and take precautions with water quality etc.

Anyway, during this past year we developed sleep disturbances unexpected weight loss (wasting, not the good kind of weight loss) but most disturbing was that for no reason the Drs. Could explain 5 of our pets who had been extremely healthy and myself developed skin rashes and itching that required immune suppressing drugs to try to clear up but to no availe. This is something we can not afford for more reasons than monetary ones.

We just had our “smart”meter removed today and I will be more than a little interested in how our health will be affected. Mike, you are lucky if you are not sensitive to EMF’s but please try to refrain from placing all animals and people in a neat little box. The world is not like that. It’s quite simple Susan. The so called “Smart meter,” is not an electrical meter at all, but a transmitter. The reason, that there are so many problems.

Overheating, pulsating 24/7, which creates the sleeplessness, headaches etc.Burning of appliances and a host of other problems, is simply the smart meter is not compatible with the analogue meter. It has now been proven, by Doctors, Electrical Engineers, Scientists and even Politicians, that they are of a high risk. I do like to think, that we still live in a ‘”DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY”, WHERE THE PEOPLE HAVE THE VOICES AND NOT CORPORATIONS AND IRRESPONSIBLE POLITICIANS. THE ONLY PLACE LEFT IN THIS CRAZY WORLD OF OURS, IS OUR HOMES. SO PROTECT IT.

POWER IS IN NUMBERS AND NOT THE GRID. I really does not matter if you are more or less sensitive, everyone is affected.

It might take lot longer for some to show symptoms but even those that try to dispute claims bu people who are suffering are being affected. By the time they realise that RFR/microwave has had an effect on them the damage might be irreversible. Remember, radiation damage is cumulative. And, as prime example, it took almost 40 years after Hiroshima for sudden increase in brain tumors/cancers to show. Anyway, one for industry trolls to explain how non-ionising radiation non thermally effects ALL Living creatures, human, animal and vegetable through VGCC (voltage gated calcium channels) watch this: Prof. Martin Pall – How WiFi & other EMFs Cause Biological Harm –.

If you do your own research, people have already uploaded their horror storys on YouTube. Some have been admitted into emergency’s because they have pacemakers! One went into emergency 4 times during the time his smart meter was going. As soon as he got it removed, he had no more episodes.

People with pacemakers cannot even go into a restaurant with a microwave running. I am sensitive and did not even know they put in a smart meter at my home. I was hearing a strange humming sound now and then & having dizzy spells and could not figure out why. Feeling anxiety. I am still suffering from them and yesterday, I found out why. Its the smart meter.

I know this because every time I leave home I feel better. I was not given a choice at my own home and its just not right to force this on anyone. What a waste of energy.

This business of they’re, etc. Etc., and so forth. Let’s get to the bottom of the real issue here, there and every where. We are the people, who, corporations, politicians, bankers etc. So why even discuss the “smart meter”,? We are the power.

The previously mentioned, are only about 1 to 2% percent of the population. So can you imagine, that without us, they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. So take that what’s right fully yours. The power to protect your self. It’s called “FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY, LEST WE FORGET” Stick together, power is in numbers, the other 98%. “WE, US TOGETHER”.

Actually a nuclear policy expert (Danial Hirsch) has indicated that the smartmeters expose up to 50-160 times more elcetromagnetic radiation than a phone. If you correct for the duty cycle and the whole body exposure vs.

Just head exposure–the smart meter has way more exposure. Plus, cell phones are voulntary. People who have sensitivity to them just don’t use them.

Why would you feel the need tell peopel who are suffering that either ‘no your not’ or ‘too bad for you’? A small segment of the population experiences an adverse reaction to pulsed electromagnetic radiation. Why is that so hard to believe?? I had all kinds of gadgets in my home but after moving and being exposed to the smartmeters, I have had to discontinue all of them. I never had a problem before with this. I can’t explain it but it is true-it really exists and really destroys peoples lives. Why denigrate them?

We ar already suffering untold pain. Why not try to help them/us instead of making a difficult situation evern harder? Why all the meanness??

Take a little time to look at the deep microscopy studies of blood of subjects places within one foot of a smart meter. The two males used suffered changes in blood cell structure, one of which corrugated on it’s edges, the female used in the study had to move away after 45 seconds for feeling faint. Her blood was worst affected, becoming chaotic in structure. This is science, this is proof. Look at Barrie Trower testimoney, he is military wi-fi specialist and he states that dangers have been known since the 70’s and that the radiation can cause permanent genetic damage to the female mitochondria, which may not be remedied, rendering all the bloodline after genetically damaged. Do you not think that the precautionary principle is better than gung-ho mass installation?

If not, then you are as irresponsible as the industry and the criminal government instigating liars. LET ME re do a couple of boo boo’s here ‘In reply to your POSITIVE promotion on smart meters, I myself will tell you I HAVE A SMART METER on MY HOME, and I Have been having TERRIBLE THINGS happen to ME after the smart meter was put on my house. And when I am away from the house and go camping or to our place in the woods where there is NO SMART METER then there are NO MORE HEAD PRESSURES and Headaches. That I constantly experience in my bedroom when I am at HOME where the smart meter THERE is near one of my beds near my pillow where I place my head to rest and sleep! I feel like my head is going to EXPLODE with PRESSURE when I am in that bedroom. I have to sleep now in another one of my rooms in the house.

MY DOG TOO, has been having seizures that HE NEVER HAD BEFORE. And he is NOT VERY OLD, matter of fact he is just a bit over a year old now. He has had like 12 or 13 in a row at a time all in ONE DAY! I am trying my best to now keep him as far away as I can, when I can, from the SMART METER to keep him away from radiation from that ABSURD RADIATION POISONING METER. It is a REAL problem and those that don’t believe it better OPEN UP THERE EYE balls and really look at what is going on with folks. MY NEIGHBORS>>>>>ARE HAVING TROUBLES.BIG health problems, cancer even, prostate problems, etc people are getting sick Sick SICK I tell you very very REAL. ONE OF MY DOCTOR FRIENDS is having much much trouble herself!

YES and she is a doctor, having big time dizziness, headaches, much fatigue, tiredness, low low energy, listlessness, stomach aches that never really go away. Her husband is very extremely stressed and full of ANXIOUS FEELINGS and bad anxieties. My doctor friend got so extremely dizzy with much overwhelming dizziness and actually fell down a full flight of stairs. THIS stuff has happen AFTER smart meters were installed.

People with no problems at ALL are having HORRIBLE problems after smart meters are and have been installed on their homes. I myself, have experienced, TERRIBLE head pressures, headaches, stomach problems, acid reflux, heartburn LIKE CRAZY HEART BURN, weakness, fatigue, listlessness, super tiredness, anxiety, panicky feelings, some kind of WILD FEELINGS also that is hard to describe, and my right EYE aches and has been giving me weird feelings, (same side as where the smart meter tends to hit me from the radiation side), and I have been having very very VERY bad indigestion, and bowel troubles. My husband has had MUCH anxiety problems since they put the smart meters on, and insomnia, prostate problems, AND JUST went into cardiac arrest two months ago he HAD A HEART ATTACK and had to have TWO STENTS PUT IN.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is lucky and blessed to be still alive!!!!!!!

My OWN heart has been really giving me a fit as well. WE HAVE GOT to realize what these things are doing to us I mean REALLY! HOW can you NOT UNDERSTAND and SEE what is REALLY happening here. Anybody OUT THERE? I have a SMART METER on my house and they are all over MY neighborhood. And I started getting ill shortly after they put one on my house.

My neighbors wife for so sick that she was being taken to the Doctor over and over and OVER again and so sick. But they could never find out what was wrong with her EVER. Each time she was so sick and ill but they could never find what was causing her problems and illnesses and all her multitude of symptoms. Then one day, her husband came home to find her DEAD. She never EVER had bad headaches in her life before the smart meter was placed on their home..And add to that all the many numerous mysterious symptoms she was experiencing that no doctor could ever explain or find WHY she was having tremendous problems with her health.

I myself have had so so many problems with my health as well. All since the smart meters have been placed on my home and all over our neighborhood.

I have headaches, super sharp pains shoot through my head when I’m in the room near where a smart meter is in close proximity to my bed and bath. I get very achy, much much head preasure, with my head feeling like it’s being squeezed or compressed, sometimes feeling like my head is being blown up with tremendous air pressure to the extent of feeling like my head is going to explode. At other times I’ve felt like I’m about to have a stroke. I’ve had much dizziness, anxiety, problems with pain shooting through my eyes and eye blurriness, worsing of vision. Like big time, and over all feeling sick, sometimes with nauseousness, lots and lots of achiness and those TREMENDOUS HEAD PAINS. Lord have MERCY! The reason a smart phone battery dies so quickly is not becouse of the signal call time but becouse of the large color bright screens and numerous apps running and downloading information.

Take your cell phone and turn every single alert and app off and change your screen to black and white with your brightness compleetly down and watch your phone battery last for a week from full charge to dead. And dont forget the internal battery in the phone for law enforcement gps locator that can never turned off or removed that some how last for ever. And reguardless your bill will go up at least for the power companys cost for the meter. Also, the meters do not save money.

If something has come out that shows that they will have that capability soon, please share what you have. The meters are expensive and therefore the opposite of what your guess was. The multi-million dollar ad campaigns being funded not just by private funds but also, if legislation passes, with your tax dollars are another separate new financial liability that would have to be offset by these “magic savings” that you think is happening in that circuit. Analog meters are accurate. If you really think that 100 million meters were possibly not fully-billing for the last 50 plus years, you are gullible and likely just parroting the socialist-corporate line that opens a tax-dollar stream into the private sector while ALSO removing yet another entire workforce. Post that link to the journal(s) that published your data if you have anything that supports your claims as to increased efficiency through solid-state metering. Stay seated, -R.

INSURANCE COMPANIES WON’T INSURE THE HEALTH PROBLEMS FROM WIRELESS Smart Meters And Insurance companies don’t sacrifice insurance premiums ($$$) for nothing. TV NEWS VIDEO – Insurance Companies Won’t Insure Wireless Device Health Risks (3 minutes, 13 seconds) 2.

WIRELESS SMART METERS TRANSMIT RADIATION APPROXIMATELY 25,000 TIMES PER DAY, 24/7, not 45 seconds per day as claimed by PG&E Corporate. VIDEO – Radiation Measured From Smart Meter Mounted On A Home (6 minutes, 21 seconds) 3. UTILITY BILLS SKYROCKETED AFTER WIRELESS SMART METER INSTALLATION.

Senator Florez in a hearing with both PG&E customers whose bills have gone up and PG&E Corporate representatives. TV NEWS VIDEO – Skyrocketing Utility Bills after WIRELESS smart meter installation (3 minutes, 19 seconds). From that PDF u posted: Results The evidence was reviewed critically, and overall evaluated as being limited 2 among users of wireless telephones for glioma and acoustic neuroma, and inadequate 3 to draw conclusions for other types of cancers. The evidence from the occupational and environmental exposures mentioned above was similarly judged inadequate. The Working Group did not quantitate the risk; however, one study of past cell phone use (up to the year 2004), showed a 40% increased risk for gliomas in the highest category of heavy users (reported average: 30 minutes per day over a 10‐year period). TL;DR: Results INCONCLUSIVE.

HI Dadave, The gas meters have no ability to remotely shut off gas supply. They are simply microwave transmitters that transmit your usage. Because they have a battery in them, they are a potential ignition source. Not too bright putting an ignition source next to a gas line, is it? That’s the utility industry for you! If you are having symptoms you believe are related to the smart meter, go to an area with little wireless and see if the symptoms persist. Lodge a complaint against your utility at Thanks, SSM!

Dadave, If you have a gas meter that has been fitted with a AMI transmitter to automate reading, that transmitter that was fitted on to your existing gas meter is nothing at all like an electric SmartMeter. The transmitter is battery powered, and transmits in the 450 MHz band, it is not microwave, and it only really needs to transmit a cumulative reading once a month, but PG&E claims it transmits 6 times a day. Why?, I don’t know, and how are we to know if what PG&E says is true about anything. The gas meters bill at a flat rate, there is no way to do time differential pricing, the gas meters do not have any remote disconnect and cannot sense leaks or customers diverting gas before the meter (but neither can any electric meter sense a diversion either).

Most gas meters are very old, it is only the module that was installed with the transmitter that is new. But, for the last 10 years or so, PG&E has been installing automatic earthquake shut off valves before the meter. I had a customer who bumped one of those valves and it cut off his gas service. So, your new gas SmartMeter module does not protect you from earthquakes, it is the existing shock activated valve that shuts off your gas, the sole purpose of the SmartMeter program is to eliminate meter reading jobs.

I am an Acutonic’s practitioner and studied this. Any vibrational frequency that is negative will cause the molecules in the body (because its made of water) to distort.

I saw the factual documentary film on this and watched it literally happen using powerful microscopes. When the vibrational frequencies are positive the molecules literally look like beautiful snow flakes. They are in balance. Plus, ask the people with pace makers who have gone into emergency as a result of these smart meters installed.

In response to 2. You do understand that the meter being used was a RF analyzer right? That means it is checking the RF signal from the WIRELESS smart meter. It better give a reading, or it is not on! This is not a radiation meter, it is the radio frequency, and it was in micro-watts. A HAM radio puts off more power than this thing, your wireless network at your house puts off more power, your cell phone puts off more power. If you are going to site something, you should probably verify its credibility.

I already watched a film with a radiation meter detecting higher than acceptable radiation levels from the smart meter. Even the US Military tested these and found them harmful to some and unsafe for long term. This is a FACT. But But they are to questionable. Plus, Radioactive waves are not safe either.

You can get these readings high also by putting that radioactive meter close to a plug outlet. Bottom line, its about choice. There are people who have pacemakers that cannot tolerate any extra radio active waves no matter what the source. Do your research from non-biased sources. Do you really think people WANT these things to be harmful? They WANT them to be safe!!!

I wish I could believe they are! I researched hoping to ease my mind and read everything out there promoting them.

But the source is only from those to gain from them. They have offered NO proof and not shown their evidence of safety. I want to see that documentation and where they got it!

A smart meter as stated is simply a strap over device that has miniature current transformers and circuit to convert AC to D.C. To power the electronics.

Communication with its host are short burst. The host sends a request blanket to all SM’s in range and the SM transmits data back. Paying higher electric bills will eliminate SM’s if the masses do deem.

If a SM’s fails your home is unmetered until it fails to report. SM’s are also effective against tampering. But to say they are a cause of illness. That has yet to be proven and only a theory. Einstein’s theory has yet to be proven but many SyFy shows prove otherwise. Trump says there is too much fake news out there. On this subject I will agree.

You know, I’m not a smart meter expert, but my problem is I don’t think these people are either. Using exagerated inflammatory rhetoric just undermines their cause. “customers have noticed huge increases” Really? Maybe they have been undercharged for a long time due to manual meter reading? “your utility has access to a treasure trove of information about you” Hmm. Sounds like maybe they can read the spikes in power use, I am guessing?

So they are inferring your habits? And you justify the Nazi graphic based on that? “do not result in energy savings,” Well, they save gas, since meter readers don’t physically drive to your house every month. ” emerging evidence that wireless, non-ionizing radiation (from cell phones, wifi, and ‘smart’ meters)” There are a few more cell phones than smart meters. Giving up cell phones, too? “transitioned their meter readers from full time to temporary” Well, the times they are a-changin’.

There are a lot of old jobs that no longer exist. “Thousands of people have complained of tinnitus, headaches, nausea, sleeplessness, heart arrhythmia, and other symptoms after a ‘smart’ meter was installed” Documentation please?

Also, can you say, ‘mass hysteria’? “A number of electrical fires have been caused by ‘smart’ meters.” What number? Any proof at all? “conversion to ‘smart’ meters is one of the largest technology rollouts in history, and yet virtually no public consultation with ratepayers or local governments” Oh jeez.

Sorry Tim, that will not work. Microwave frequency travels on energized wiring creating an antenna affect. The only thing one could do to mitigate exposure is to shut off as many breakers at the panel.

Use electricity sparingly and definitely shut off power at night. Demand switches should be installed because manual switches will wear out over time. Automatic Remote Place a large grounded sheet of aluminum on the opposite side of the wall behind the smart meter so that it doesn’t send radiation into your house via transmitter. I sent this to for advise on my situation with Florida Power and Light.

Any feedback would be appreciated. ——————————————————————————— I was hoping to get some advise on a situation that happed today. I came home to find Florida Power and Light installing a Smartbox on my front yard.

The reason they said was due to the fact we have a power box on the outer end of our front yard and they were going to use it for powering the meter. They also said we were centralized to recieve the signals from the surrounding area.

I immediately turned on my computer and found the website you all have posted the important information. After reading your website I went outside and told them to stop and to refill the hole and they did.

I forbidded them from putting it on my yard and they left. I called FPL and let them know and there representative could not give me much information.

She tried to contact several people but none could give her any answers. One thing she said was that we would have to pay the cost of moving it and I told her there was nothing to move, I had stopped them and that I would not allow them to install it on my propertyever.

I have an elderly woman and a sister that are very ill and use electronic equiptment for there health problems. I gave the representative my cell number and told her to have her superiors call me when ever. My question is what right do I have? This box would be put up against the metal power box that is already on our front yard.

It would stick out an extra 2 feet and remove our yard space. It would be sitting on our property. Since I stopped them before they installed it what can I do? What will that do next?

What right do they have? They never informed us of this in advance in anyway. Did they need a legal authorization from us since it would take up space on our property? I can send you pictures if you like. Any help would be appreciated, Thank you Anthony Hernandez. Viewing both the suggested videos does nothing to debunk smart meters.The electric meter,I would suggest,is more likely to be a part of a grow-op in that house.There certainly didn’t seem to be any sense of urgency on the part of the person taking the video.The gas meter was probably due to a leak that ignited somehow and has nothing to do with it being a smart meter or not.Having worked with both electric and gas meters,I would opine that neither of these videos prove anything nefarious on the part of new technology.

In my 35 plus years working for the eighth largest electric only utility in the nation. The cause of most electrical meterbase fires is lack of maintenance retightening the wiring lugs inside the meterbase.

One can request the utility to inspect your meterbase for signs of weakened lugs that the meter plugs into. Common causes are the use of aluminum conductor wires attached from the weather head to the upper terminals in the meterbase. If the connection are not properly sealed with a special dielectric grease oxidation will start to form around the conductor. This oxidation is the same thing spark plugs are made off. Aluminum Oxide. Smart meters have nothing to do with this problem for this problem existed many years before to SM came to being used. If I had a dollar for every meter that was salvaged for scrap from this common failure I’d be a rich man.

I need some help with a situation regarding installation of smart meter by FPL at our home in Fort Lauderdale. My mom was home and she let the FPL guy in to install the device. Shortly after the FPL guy installed the smart meter and left, our power completely went out.

There was no electricity in the house at all. My mom managed to call FPL and they said a representative will be dispatched between 5 and 7:30 pm. 7:30 passes by, then 8pm passes by and there was no sign of FPL coming back to look at the problem.

Finally, when my brother arrives home from work at 9:30pm, my mom was still sitting in the dark at home. My brother calls FPL to find out why there is no sign of anyone to fix the installation. The FPL representative gives him the run around to try and fix the problem himself on the phone. So now my brother and mom are both working themselves to turn off, and turn on the breaker and going back and forth outside the house and coming inside the house to get electricity back. After about an hour or two of talking with the FPL representative on the phone, FPL tells my brother that it wasn’t FPL’s problem and it had nothing to do with installing the smart meter.

We have to pay ourselves to get an electrician to fix this problem which obviously occurred after installation of smart meter. Could anyone offer me any suggestions or who can I speak to about incorrect installation of smart meter where a loss of electricity had occurred in their homes??? I want to stick FPL with the $400 or so charge for getting an electrician to fix a problem with faulty installation of smart meter.

FPL plans to roll these out in Palm Beach County Florida this month, in Boynton Beach residents are refusing installation and FPL is not advising customers of their rights regarding these potantially deadly meters and the major health risks attached to them. They are potentially a source of cancer causing radiation and people have a right to make informed decisions about such devices being forced upon them as well as the violation of privacy these meters represent. Big brother is invading our lifes and want to monitor everything we do. If you think you personal private usage information is safe from prying eyes think again! Say no to smart meters, refuse installation and seek legal advice if necessary do not let them install these meters on your homes! And what about those solar flares!?!? We should boycott the sun for hurling x-rays, microwaves, ultraviolet rays, GAMMA RAYS, red, blue, green, orange, yellow, violet, and IR at us.

I probably missed a couple, but you get my point right? Then again its all natural radiation, not radiation made with additives and corn syrup. You know that microwave oven in your kitchen?

It does not have any heating elements!! Go in and bypass the safety switch and stick your head inside, then turn it on! That is NOTHING RADIOACTIVE it is just a RADIO TRANSMITTER!! You have already told us that a radio transmitter cannot hurt us!!

You obviously are an expert on frequencies and how different em frequencies are all the same, so you know that there is no difference between a 60Hz line frequency and a 2.45 GHz microwave frequency. If you live through it, come back and let us know. I think it’d be helpful if your organization had a better description of the financial impact of Smart Meters. The little blurb above just isn’t enough information.

I just googled your site after reading the SFGate’s story about Pine/Oakland’s refusal to install the Smart Meter, and wanted more information about the how it affects my bill. The rest of the problems you list are fine, but the most important in my eyes, and in the eyes of most people who will look for information is how it affects the bill.

The bottom line is, the CPUC approved charging the PG&E ratepayers $2.2 billion to implement the new automated billing meters. That is a direct cost to the ratepayers of $220 million per year for 10 years. The main purpose of the automated meters is to eliminate the meter readers, saving the corporation around $62 million per year for labor (meter readers) and a few more million for trucks and fuel. In a report that I read in Electrical Contractor Magazine, it said that a utility with 10 million meters could save (profit) about $80 million per year by implementing the automated reading system and by increasing rates “at will” on hot days or when Enron needs some extra cash. And some of that increase will be paid to advertizing agencies and television networks to air stupid actors touting the false benefits of the new automated meters. PG&E claims that they have been authorized to use $20 million of our ratepayers money for advertizing, but I don’t by that crap, they are running multiple ads on multiple networks multiple times per day.

They must be spending $5 million per day on their false advertizing propaganda campaign to brainwash the public into thinking that there is some benefit to them. FYI–direct from the ranch We had three bee hives that were healthy and had no other reason to leave–when bees are uncomfortable, threatened, or lack food sources, they leave. Now, a colony will leave individually, yet these hives, all on completely different areas of the property left with in three days of the installation of a PGE smart meter. We also called PGE and asked them not to install, and they did when we were off the property. I have read reports on the smart meters and was not enrolled that they were/are safe and now have evidence that they effected our personal livelihood and lost three hives which equates to $250/hive loss, pollination loss to fruit tress (bees pollinate 80% of all fruits and vegetables) $5k+/-, and honey as a source of medicine and food $4k. The math does not equate, the loss of pollination does not equate, and the rapid push of PGE to do this just because they may be at a financial loss–does not equate when it DOES in FACT harmfully effect our community, livelihoods, and food stuffs. I have experienced this personally and documented it.

Call and email if you need further documentation. Thank you for listening and doing the right thing. Now, that really bothers me about you losing honey bee hives. I am a honey addict, I use it every day in my coffee, about a pound of the sweet stuff per week. I have been doing so for 40 years.

I don’t remember ever buying a box or bag of sugar. It’s honey and pure maple syrup for me.

Sorry to change the subject, but I saw on KTVU channel 2 news this morning that the City of Capitola has lifted the ban on PG&E’s new automated billing meter program. Tori also said that PG&E has allowed customers who do not want the new transmitting meters can opt out? This is big news to me, I thought the CPUC was going to make a determination in September of this year, I didn’t know any decision was made yet. Also, she announced that PG&E is “working on” a new type of meter that is non-transmitting. Again, I have not heard of that yet.

Anyone who has heard something about that new meter that is not manufactured or installed yet that does not transmit please let everyone know. This is HUGE news, and the details and questions about these new meters need to be brought out in the public forum. Some questions that I have are: Does this mean that customers (like myself) who still have their analog meters will not have to pay for all the other new meters that are being deployed, in other words, a rebate of the portion of the $2.2 billion rate increase to pay for the new AMI radio meters? If PG&E somehow gets permission to change out my perfectly good analog meter with a new digital non transmitting meter that will still be read monthly by a meter reader, then will they try and charge me $270 for disabling other customers meters that do transmit? Will PG&E try and charge me a new extra fee for reading my meter, even though it has been built into my rates since the beginning?

I smell a rat, I think that PG&E gave KTVU a line of BS, I will believe it when I see it. I got a call from PG&E yesterday that gave us a phone number to call to “opt-out” of SmartMeter installation. (We live in Capitola, CA). The number is 866-743-0263.

I called it and PG&E told me that they would delay installing a SM on our property until after the PUC decision in Sept. At that time, PUC willing, we would be able to have a new meter installed with the “radio frequency” turned off for which we would pay an “up front” fee. We would also have to pay a monthly charge to pay for the “meter reader.” At least it puts off installation for a few months, but I am completely against this intrusion into our homes, yards, atmosphere and cells, so PG&E can pile on more profits.

Interesting about the bees. I just finished an article about the bees, who seem to disappear suddenly, Various professionals have taken the time to find out why it is that the bees simply disappear. Inside their tiny bodies various chemicals were found. But could not come to the conclusion that this was the cause. Whole droves or clusters of bees simply went in to thin air. Our food supply depends on the pollination of bees. I believe 1/3 if not more.

In a meanwhile ” Electromagnet pulses ” are rampant around the globe. Is it just possible, that that is the cause, since bees have very sharp hearing. And why has this not been mentioned. If bees drop death next to smart meters, then it is quite possible, that the pulses are the source. Tom, It’s true that there is a lot of surveillance going on today, but the SmartMeters are nothing to worry about. All this hype about SmartMeters is being way overblown by some people. It is because these people do not understand what the SmartMeters do and do not.

A SmartMeter is a revenue collection meter only. It sends total usage data to the utility of each meter once every 4 hours. The utility servers compile this information days, weeks and sometimes months later. That is how the utility collects revenue, they compile this information to make up a monthly bill, and in 2014, they are set to start time differential pricing programs where the utility will add up how much electricity customers use between the hours of 2:00pm and 7:00 pm and charge them a higher rate for those hours.

The outage detection feature is a gimmic and a joke, and it is useless. The meters transmit data on a radio network that they call a “smart grid”. That data is just code sent in packets that are compressed bursts that last a few seconds once every four hours for each meter. That data does not contain the customers address, name, account number, phone number or any other personal information, just a meter number and a cumulative reading starting when the meter was first turned on. The SmartMeter does not send real time data to the utility or the customer. The only way a customer can view real time data is to go out and put their face in front of the meter and read the digital display on the meter.

The utility will never be able to monitor ANY individual appliance or device, and the utility and the SmartMeters will NEVER be able to discern what any of the billable electricity, gas or water is being used for, only total cumulative readings to to compile the monthly bills. The Home Area Networks and the few “chipped” appliances are not automation systems, they are for personal customer “in home” monitoring only.

These HAN’s (which turned out to be a dud) have absolutely nothing at all to do with the SmartMeters, the electrical power grid or the Silver Springs Networks radio network that they call their “smart grid”. And, big brother isn’t watching everyone, only the people that are letting them do it, but there are many ways to duck the surveillance. Some good ways are, don’t buy a smart phone, stay away from crowds and urban areas, avoid public transportation, don’t use wireless systems for computers and peripherals, don’t use credit or debit cards, don’t join social networking programs or private “healthcare” insurance programs which plug you into the electronic medical records database and most importantly, be aware of what is going on. Don’t think that using computers and phones cannot be compromised. Be careful what you say on ANY phone and what you write on any computer, especially when using Facebook and Google accounts.

And last and least, if you don’t want PG&E to know how much total electricity you use in each hour, don’t opt into the SmartMeter program or any other “smart pricing schemes”. There are a LOT of people in this area (Capitola, Santa Cruz, CA) that are against Smart Meters. My family has THREE on our property up in the Gold Country with no adverse effects. (I am down here for school.) Nobody has grown an extra head, or a third nut, or anything negative. Mom has even noticed our bill actually has gone down. I bet a lot of the people down here that are protesting the meters are the type who drink alcohol, smoke, or text while driving.

(Especially you idiots on Portola Ave. Who DO NOT stop for people in crosswalks!) There are a LOT more dangerous things than a little gadget on your house.

Thank you for your time. No refunds on time spent reading this. Kammie, your mother’s bill has likely gone down because the daylight hours are longer and the weather is warmer. I can assure you that our rates have increased to pay for this program and will continue to increase to pay shareholders and executive$’ salaries, as PG&E has rate hikes pending at the CPUC. Tell me about your mom’s bill in a year or so.

“Smart” meters are not energy saving devices, they are energy measuring devices, that’s it. Only we can choose to save energy on our own. However, as you will see when the new pricing tiers come in to play once the “smart” grid is established, those that choose to conserve energy will pay more per unit than those that use the most energy. Just like a cell phone plan–the more you use the less you pay per unit. But this is neither green nor fair when we apply it to energy usage, as energy use almost always results in depletion of resources, destabilization of the climate, and pollution, as we do not yet have viable alternatives to coal, natural gas, or nuclear. If anything, the energy hogs should be penalized, while those conserving should be rewarded with a lower rate, but this does not equal big profits for the corporate machine, who always put profits before health, safety, and environmentalism. Wouldn’t it have been great if the $2.2 billion had been used to create *real* solutions to our energy and climate crises, instead of being used to create a system that only benefits the utility, and not future generations or the consumer?

PG&E has publicly stated that not one unit of energy has been saved since installing “smart” meters, and there is even an Oxford University study that found that these meters will actually *increase* our energy usage! Wouldn’t you rather your taxpayer (via federal stimulus money) and ratepayer dollars had been used for truly green improvements to the grid, instead of greenwashing advertising campaigns? For the record, I do not drink or smoke.

I stopped using a cell phone 5 years ago once I learned about the associated health problems, and I have chosen not to own a car because of the environmental impacts. I do not use wi-fi in my home and I avoid all businesses and homes that do. As this is still a free country, I am entitled to my lifestyle choices (which do not hurt anybody) and should be entitled to thrive in my community (and home!) free from environmental and electrosmog pollution. I will fight all such things (especially when forced) in my community as necessary in order to protect our health and defend our civil liberties and inalienable rights.

As you have pointed out, there are “a LOT” of people in this area who are against “smart” meters, and for good reason. They are not safe, not “smart,” and are an utter violation of our most basic rights and their forced roll-out is completely anti-democratic. You mentioned that you are a student and I implore you to study this topic further before making up your mind. There are so many reasons to oppose “smart” meters, I’m sure you will be able to find one that you can relate to. Thank you for your time and good luck with your studies here in Santa Cruz, my home town. The problems with these “Smart meters” is: They are transmitter, and pulsate 24/7 You can turn off your T.V.

But have you tried to turn off the smart meter? World wide these contraptions have now been proven to be unsafe. I would like to see all Electrical engineers, doctors and scientists, who are against these meters to debate with the electrical Co’s in court. It’s obvious, having their own expertise, that they only protect their own interests. JUST FOLLOW THE DOLLARS. WHERE IS THE GOVERNMENT IN ALL OF THIS??? Or are they controlled by the CORPORATIONS?

You basically allowed there to be many reasons to oppose a smart meter, but the person you responded to has had a good experience with one. Your first paragraph immediately assumed -you- knew more about their life.

Which is simply rude and arrogant. What if there are actually benefits to having this technology? Also what about the places that sell Data and electricity? Eventually their meters are going to be connected (via fiber probably) and will monitor your power consumption in real time, then probably have a nifty website so you can see your power use in real time. The world progresses towards managing data more efficiently.

Smart meters are not an end all. Its an attempt to have better control over a power system. Customer housing is not the only one receiving them i bet. Substations are too. All power networks are old, rusting, and becoming more and more inefficient. As a person that uses electricity i’m happy that power providers are making an effort to advance somewhere. You all miss the holy grail of Smart Meters It’s not about helping YOU manage your electrical usage.

It’s not about laying off all the meter readers to save money. It’s not about a high-level manager at PG&E getting a handsome kickback from the manufacture. It’s not about the health effects (PG&E and your government don’t care if you live or die, but actually prefer you were dead). It’s about control, control over YOU. It’s about all the new Smart Meter Enabled laws that are already written and waiting for you. It’s about requiring Smart Meter Enabled appliances be in place in your home. It’s about some appointed jerk deciding what appliances he/she will order turned off at any time they feel the electric grid needs a break (thus THEIR statement of using Smart Meters to “Better Manage the Grid”).

It’s about no new power plants (they’ll just trim everyone’s usage to make them unnecessary). It’s about YOU on a hot day and some jerk turning off your air conditioner because there is not sufficient generation available to power the grid (due to no new power plants).

It’s about YOU are the commodity and YOU will be “MANAGED.” Smart Meters have TWO receivers and TWO transmitters in them. One for the surveillance and billing, the other to CONTROL *YOUR* usage. Your new Smart Meter Enabled appliances will be automatically field-programmed to communicate with your Smart Meter, and not your neighbors. It will serialize itself using a “Powerline Carrier” (signal superimposed on the 60Hz AC) that the Smart Meter will, from then-on, identify as being your toaster or waffle iron that is on or off. You will adhere to a usage “schedule” or face fines.

You will be put in the dark if that is what the controllers of this system want. You may end up with a monthly usage limit much like some internet companies impose on their customers for data, where once you have used up all your KWH, you get cut off until the next billing cycle or pay a super-premium rate to continue. It’s about YOU are nothing more than a SLAVE to the Government, the banks, the utilities, and the food suppliers. YOU will work like a slave and get what THEY decide is proper for YOU to live with. Slaves have no rights, and are NOT allowed to complain. Still think you are free? Try complaining about your Smart Meter!

Very well said! I hope that people actually stop and take the time to SEE the truth of the state of our nation and ultimately our world.

I also find it interesting that during this “recession” all the improvements are now needed, as well as people “losing” their homes. People need to brush up on their history and remember WHY the “AMERICAN DREAM” was the “AMERICAN DREAM”. Because America had LAND, and LOTS OF IT. Europe, on the other hand had very limited parcels of LAND.

Homeownership, which is now in danger, equates to LAND! History, states that ONLY THOSE THAT WERE LANDOWNERS had RIGHTS, or ANY SAY. ALL those that DID not own land were SERVANTS, SERFS, subordinate to the LANDOWNER.

Do not be misled by the media and all that is new, if you had to choose between a new car or a home, the wise choice would be a home=LAND. History is telling! When the Energy companies drive rates so HIGH, sometimes, even FALSELY inflated as in ENRON, people are being FORCED TO CHOOSE, fuel, food, housing.It is up to the PEOPLE to stand up and say ENOUGH! Hello Sad Observer! I so agree with you. This i something far more than an improvement in your electrical uses.

Appliances will be outfitted with chips For what purpose are these chips used? We are now getting close to the end of the year 2012. There is so much more info out there that we can no longer remain ignorant. 10 Vans were entering the “Salt Spring ” Islands, Sounds to me like the war on electronics is well on the way.

We must refuse these contraptions and that can only be accomplished by the masses. How can we allow these vans to enter our property? This is definitely trespassing and breaking the law. These “Corix” people should have been arrested without delay.

Strange how our Governments remain silent on these issues. Is it possible that they are holding hands with the Corporations? At who’s cost? Yours mine our future generations.

If we don’t fight this now, we will be last and our children and grandchildrten will be no more than slaves to the system. All we need then, is a number, and I guess we already have that too. I’m not a slave to PGE, I have a solar electric system. That said, I welcome smart meters, and have one on my gas meter. They are not able to put them on solar electric systems for technical reasons. I sure hope that the 4000+ kilowatts of energy being produced on my roof every day doesn’t kill all my favorite neighbors.

So far, so good. However, I’m not afraid of my smart meter for the following reasons: 1.

It is outdoors on the side of my house and I rarely stand with my head next to it. How much time do you spend with your head next to your meter? Electrical magnetic energy is everywhere. Almost every house is full of electrical wires, wi-fi, cell phones, radio waves, T.V.s, microwaves and such items.

There are so many things in our personal environments that emit electromagnetic energy much closer to us than a meter. I hope the protesters and those who are against these meters do not go to coffee shops, they are all rigged with wi-fi. I hope they do not own a GPS, a microwave, a radar detector, or go into supermarkets, which are full of electromagnetic energy. I assume no one who would dislike these meters owns a cell phone. One phone call probably gives you a greater dose of energy than ten years of a smart meter on the back of your house.

Yes, cell phones are suspected of being deadly, but there has never been a single case where a person has be PROVEN to have died from using one. But, we should outlaw them anyway, as the danger of being killed by someone driving with one is thousands of times greater than the chance of getting cancer from one. The number of people killed while bicycling, riding motorcycles, driving, joining the armed forces, drinking alcohol, having weird animal grunt-sex, running marathons, taking the wrong medicine, joining a gang, doing drugs, patching the roof, and many other activities far exceeds the potential death from smart meters. Let’s stop all of these things first. We need a new movement called, “Everything is fatal”.

I will never get in an ambulance, as the high rate of death from people who do, scares me. I will never let a fire engine near my house, as so many houses seem to be burning down when those things come around.

Do not get a job as an electrician, they are dropping dead everywhere from overexposure. Don’t work for PGE, your life will be over in a week. Don’t go near electric guitars, or rock singers with wireless mics. Don’t go outdoors, there are thousands of satellites broadcasting on every possible bandwidth. Don’t go near an ATM, a garage door opener, a T.V.

Or even worse, an airliner. I don’t own a T.V., cell phone, or microwave. Not because I am afraid of them. I just think they are inelegant junk. But, I am not giving up my stereo, I would rather die. Now, it is time to go breath the noxious chemical off-gassing vapors I absorb from my epoxy surfboard. Wish me well!

If your not a slave to PG&E WHY ARE YOU STILL USING THEIR SERVICES? They popped you and said you didn’t have a choice so you acquiesced to their command perhaps, that’s your choice. “Smart Meters” are about health concerns and control. You owning the right to say yes or no to something YOUR PAYING FOR. If you want it by all means use it and best of luck, if you do not then by all means don’t use it. Unfortunately these meters are being thrown up by people who act like thieves in the night.

This is not acceptable, again this is a choice, if you don’t mind being forced to buy something / anything then great, I’m falling into line with those who find this completely unacceptable and thus the meter came off. If you don’t want electricity, then don’t use it.

All your electrical devices depend on your power provider, so sure, they have control. But in essence electricity is still a product, like gas.

You buy gas to drive a car. You pay for electricity cause you like gizmos in your home. You can live without electricity if you want. Its not some free commodity like air or water, it costs money to produce it, manage it, and fix the outages that might happen. Oh, and managing it means knowing more about what customers need, and better metering means better knowing.

If you think this is an obstruction of privacy, then i hope you are complaining about your isp, cable and phone providers because like electricity, they keep track of things for management purposes. Since the explosion of wireless devices and emissions I have developed sensitivity. It is a “total load” situation. Smart meter emissions add a up-close-and-personal 24/7 level to my exposure. I noticed symptoms from cell phone use, which I rarely did, depending on side of head. I already had gas and electric smart meters in neighborhood when transmitting water meters were added. Immediately I got very sick in own home and neighborhood, better away.

My point is that each individual may tolerate various emissions from rf devices but when they reach their individual threshhold sensitivity erupts, and soon it is too late to go back to how you were. Yes, all those things you list add to the total load.

You and others might not yet have a perceived biological reaction. But many processes of body cells and systems cause no symptoms right away. To Sacred: if you believe you must stick your head next to the meter, why has my outside temperature reader quit working after the instalation of a SMART Meter?

People are ignorant and can’t accept what they don’t see. These “intermittent bursts of transmissions” very well could interfere with wildlife that navigate by sonar / radar. I attended a presentation about Bats. No one knew why the swarms from Mexico never made it to our farmlands.

When we FINALLY obtained technology to see what was happening everyone was shocked, Bats were intercepting them. Again due to our ignorance we ASSUMED bats were ot useful to humans. IF an animal has no use, than who careswell I hope we don’t wait too long to accept the fact that all these SMART Meters very well are harming us and or the environment.

It would be better to more deeply explain “quit working”. The way ‘radiation’ is harmful is because of the molecular structures it resonates with.

Microwaves resonate with water (Hence why sticking dry ice (CO2) in a microwave for a few minutes does nothing to it, just an example). You don’t get a suntan while driving your car in the day because glass resonates with UV radiation. Gamma radiation resonates with living tissue.

Its highly doubtful a 1 Watt RF wave could destroy electrical equipment. In fact a 10 Watt RF wave probably couldn’t destroy electrical equipment. So are you sure nothing else was wrong with it? New batteries? Its brand new? Ants aren’t building a nest in it? Also there is an exponential decrease in power of EM radiation the farther you get from it, so if your external thermometer is right next to your meter there is a slim chance I’ll believe you.

Also sonar is sound. Radio is an Electromagnetic wave (yes light). They do not work the same way. Wildlife are more effected by solar activity (Big flares are very dangerous to people in direct sunlight when solar energy hits. People in planes can have their health damaged.) Then any household device sold commercially. I had a smart meter installed after I specifically instructed the Wellington Truck worker to not install it. I did not know that it was installed next to my head on the wall behind our bed until the next morning.

This is what happened-I could not sleep, had a buzzing in my head probably from my fillings, and severe anxiety. I awoke in the night and could not go back to sleep.

In a daze the next morning I realized that the smart meter was placed behind my head on the next wall. I can absolutely say that these meters are full of potential hazards for our health. Also, my friend informed me that it is commonplace for mountain dwellers to chase PGE off their land with shotguns.

One person had reported that they placed a smart meter on his land with little else than a pole for a RV hook up their bill went from $5. Month to $200. Another friend got out of her smart meter because her Dad is on a pace maker. They immediately said that they would not put one on her property. Look CLOSER people and take charge of your health or you will certainly pay later. Having read some of the comments above.

It is no surprise, that people are confused. It appears to be, that not much study has been done on the subject, while so much information is out there. We cannot possible form opinions if we are not informed. The smart meter is now a world wide problem. This is backed -up by scientists, electrical engineers and medical doctors.

Go globally and pick the link” Corporations are ruling the politicians, That’s why no definite decisions are made. The moment that our elected politicians take a stand for the safety of the people who elected them and take control over corporations rather than the corporations telling them what to do, then and only then will you see change. In a meanwhile do not forget there is always an election around the corner. So it is up to us to elect properly and if the newly elected politicians do not follow up on their promises after a six month trial period, elect new politicians. When we are hired for new positions, there is always a three month trial period. If it does not work out, out you go. So what is the matter with politicians?

Are they not our servants? Are they Gods gift to the human race? If so, they would behave differently don’t you think?????

John, I agree that the new radio meters are very simple and are only to report monthly usage via radio to the revenue collection department. If you don’t understand the hype that has been put out by the corporately controlled government I will try and explain it too you. The corporations say that the new radio meters will somehow save energy when the customer buys new appliances fitted with a chip that transmits consumption data (the same data that is on all appliance rating plates) to a new computer system bought by the customer that shows the usage data on a “in home display monitor” That is the hype, saying that a customer must spend thousands of dollars to buy a Home Area Networks system that also consumes large amounts of energy-to see how much energy that they are using. All the customers individual appliance usage data stays inside the customers building, it is not transmitted on the radio networks outside to the utility company, and some people don’t know that and start going off about spy meters and surveillance and evesdropping. It is the same with all corporations, they say that there is a scarcity of everything, and that the corporations have to throttle down (ration) things like water, electricity, medical care, education, housing, food and wages so they will have enough of these things to continue business as usual, and keep on over developing and extending cheap credit to control the masses. Basically make 99 percent of the people slaves to the corporations.

They want to build tar sands oil pipelines because there is an oil shortage, build expensive desalination plants because there is a water shortage, build expensive old diesel commuter trains up in Sonoma county because there is a transportation shortage, cut out funding for education because there is a job shortage (they shipped all the jobs out of the country), and do away with medical care because the insurance companies are having a profit shortage by actually paying out claims for needed medical care. Now, the electricity corporations want to ration electricity to residential customers who live in hot areas where air conditioning is mandatory, which uses 40 percent of the residential load on the power grid on hot days. The government has allowed developers to run rampant building thinwall high density housing out in the desert, and the utility corporations can’t keep up with the power demands to cool these uninsulated buildings built in Texas, Arizona and many other uncomfortably hot areas. Now, they say that we need to build more power plants to power all these 10’s of millions of new radio meters, the radio network infrastructure, server farms and Home Area Networks monitoring systems.

Now do you understand what all the hype is about? @John, I can’t use a cell phone or get a headache.

I tested this, and it starts on the side of the head where the phone is. Other people have this sensitivity, at least 3 percent of the population is estimated to be electromagnetically sensitive.

Any additional source of rf can be the tipping point. People should not be forced to have utility meters that often pulse every 4 seconds (despite the utility only reading them by driving by once every quarter). It has been shown that It Is The Pulsed Radiofrequency that causes biological abnormal cellular function resulting in a host of physical problems. It is the OFF AND ON of the signals that makes these emission biologically active and harmful even at levels far, far below heating, and current FCC standards. We are now at the stage of denial similar to the decades of defense of cigarettes.

People should be able to control their own living spaces and refuse to have utility transmitters installed. I cannot put my cell phone to my ear(s) or within 6″ because it produces pain like an earache.

I put a couple of those stick-on buttons on the back of the phone to mitigate the assault and I think it helps but I only use the speakerphone function now. I used to use an air tube head piece but the phone I have now does weird things when I plug into the jack so it cannot be used. Withe the exception of the cell phone, I do not use anything wireless.

Smart meters are wireless. Our choice to use or not use needs to be respected. However, the bad thing is that even if I am “allowed” to make that choice I still receive the emissions from my neighbors’ installations. This is criminal.

The “smart meters” are a stupid idea for the sheeple. Just one more way to control, overpower, and destroy us. This issue really isn’t if Smart Meters are a violation of privacy or safety, but that consumers should have a right to decide for themselves what is safe or suitable for their household. We should be given Opt-Out ability since we do not have the option to change utility companies. Currently consumers do have the right to choose to smoke, use cell phones, use microwave ovens and many more controversial health-damaging activities.

However, the utility companies do not give consumers the right to decide if they would like the smart meter or not installed in their homes. Personally I prefer to err on the side of caution. I have a serious inherited autoimmune disease. I don’t drink, smoke, use cell phones and I eat organic and gluten-free because I have to do so for my condition.

I don’t believe anyone has the right to come on my property and install controversial technology without my consent. The utility companies back you into a corner because they are a monopoly mandated by the government. They know that you have little choice but to comply if you want to continue to enjoy electricity. This is consumer blackmail and it has to be stopped now. You guys are nuts. Yes, they will fire their meter readers.

That’s what happens with technology. Do you want to ban ATM so that banks can rehire all the tellers? Do you want to ban robots so more people will work on assembly lines (and cars will cost more and have more malfunctions). If you are freaked about emissions, do you use cell phones? If you are worried about privacy, why do you want to have a meter reader having a key to your garage or back door? I have no links to or love for PG&E, but it seems that smart meters are an improvement and will allow people to be more thoughtful in their use of electricity.

They probably could have done a better job explaining why they are doing this, but you guys are really paranoid and irrational. I just love that everyone who minimizes the dangers keep statings things like, “well you use a cell phone, don’t you?”, or “smart meters are no more dangerous than cell phones.” Two points: 1) A person can choose to own a cell phone, and how much to use it. I own a cell phone, but only use it for urgent reasons. Basically, I make choices throughout the day to minimize my RF radiation exposure. As for smart meters, the utility co.

Will decide this for me. I feel strongly that this is an infringement on my ability to minimize exposure, and protect my health. No government agency or corporation should be allowed to attach a RF radiation device directly to my home. 2) “Smart meters are no worse than cell phones”, except cell phones are dangerous.

People don’t want to acknowledge that. Recent research now states that using a cell phone to your ear 30 min per day, every day, for 10 years will produce a 40% increase in Gliomas, a serious brain tumor.

Radiation is accumulative. The World Health Organization felt compelled to change their position in May 2011, classifying RF radiation as a possible 2B carcinogen, and that was without even completing their research. We are being bombarded from every direction with increasing electrosmog. When is enough, ENOUGH?? I believe the answer in NOW, before future generations pay the price! @Sally Gosh darn, but I thought that too, until I bought an expensive analyzer for RF Microwave frequencies, and began to measure in my environment.

I found out that smart meter pulses are way higher at peak than even my friends’ cell phones! And higher than the cell tower in my neighborhood! Maybe you want to look into this a little more Here is a whole list of videos showing that smart meter radiation is NOT just another little transmitter in your life. And then there are all those folks, from CA and all over the U.S., who write us because they have been made sick by their smart meter. Read some other smart meter experiences here. With all due respect, you may be missing the point.

The pulsation of the smart meter, enters your home 24/7, which has now been proven to be accurate. Josh has a very good explanation for that. If this was only a nation wide problem, we would have reason to question the accuracy. But now, this is a world wide problem, confirmed by many scientists, Electrical Engineers and Doctors. This information is readily available. For your own benefit, and that of many others, please get informed and involved.

It’s for you and the next generations. I get really angry at the people who think that they know best, because their responses to some of the comments are down right stupid. Only proofs that home works has not been done. Go globally and find out what the real problem is with these meters.

Two homes in B.C. Have ben burned to the ground and only one day previously the smart mete was installed. May be, but there is overwhelming evidence that many fires have caused by the smart meters, also illustrated. While you are at it, phone your Ins. Co.nd find out if they cover you as the result of the smart meter.

Also make not of the time of day you called, the person you spoke with, and what date. So that you have back up. I like to think, that all the professionals who have research this meter with the utmost of care, are right. My grandouther is paralise from the vaccine. We spend 1 milion +++ for halth. Finaly we have halp from doktor in Mexico.She start inpruve and now smart meter stop hear inpruve. She have bliding and we in home are all sick from smart meter.I asck FPL after many many cole i have discusion and i reseive documents smart meter is ok.

We care for chldren i care from me my wife and we no we ar all sick from smart meter. Please halp how we cane stop FPL to kiling my family and all people in florida. Wath police duing this is kiling mashine FPL kiling all.Halpppppppppppppppp.