All Files Ftp Directory Vb Net Getsetting Visual Basic
VB Helper Index Files and Directories Title. Keywords How. To Recursively search for files and replace text in them in Visual Basic. NETfiles, directories, search, search for files, find files, replace, replacements, make replacements, Visual Basic. To Make a program that uses regular.
We need to get about 100 very small files from a remote FTP server using Our company won't let us buy (or install) any 3rd party ftp libraries. So we are forced to use something like FtpWebRequest. (Or is there a better free, choice that is already a part of Visual Studio?) This method works, but it is VERY slow. (I assume because of the constant logging in/out.) Log in with user name and password. Get a file-list from the remote server.
Log out Use that file-list to get each file separtely: Log in, get the file, log out. Log in 99 more times, get each file, log out each time. Instead, we probably should be doing this, but it never works: Log in with user name and password. Get a list of filenames. Download each file.
Log out ONCE. We found COUNTLESS examples online of 'getting an FTP file list' and later 'how to download 1 file with FTP'.
But we never see 'get EACH file name, and download it NOW'. Something I just put together, the important part is the fwr.Proxy = Nothing, otherwise it tries to auto get the proxy settings which causes huge delays so setting it to nothing forces it to not use one. If you are using a proxy obviously you need to set this to an actual proxy. Dim fwr As Net.FtpWebRequest = Net.FtpWebRequest.Create(ftpAddress) fwr.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(userName, password) fwr.KeepAlive = True fwr.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory fwr.Proxy = Nothing Try Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(fwr.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) Dim lst = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(vbNewLine) For Each file As String In lst file = file.Trim() 'remove any whitespace If file = '.' OrElse file = '.'
Then Continue For Dim fwr2 As Net.FtpWebRequest = Net.FtpWebRequest.Create(ftpAddress & file) fwr2.Credentials = fwr.Credentials fwr2.KeepAlive = True fwr2.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile fwr2.Proxy = Nothing Dim fileSR As New IO.StreamReader(fwr2.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) Dim fileData = fileSR.ReadToEnd() fileSR.Close() Next sr.Close() Catch ex As Exception End Try I know its a bit late but hopefully helps.
Here is someone else's code I was playing with. See: I was able to FTP a file to my web site. Here is someone else's code I was playing with. See: I was able to FTP a file to my web site.
Tall Dude wrote: Sorry, It is not my original code. I just 'borrowed' it from somewhere on the internet and re-arranged it to work for a few tests I ran in VB express. I have never even tried out many of the commands. You may want to start a new thread, post some of your code and /or reference this post.
Hi Tall Dude, Could you please edit your posts and include a link to the original source? People tend to appreciate that and if the source is located within these forums its policy to link to it. Thanks for helpnig us out! Hi all, I found what i was looking for on this old thread but I don't know exactly what to do woth it. The code given by Tall Dude seems to compile fine except for two errors. ' FTPClient is not defined FTPdirectory is not defined ' In a later post Tall Dude says ' I am sorry. The solution had another (class?) file named FtpClient.vb.
It is listed below: ' and he goes on to list the class. My problem is 'What do I do with the added class?' Where do I put it and How do I compile it to get rid of the two errors?
Thanks in advance. Hi all, I found what i was looking for on this old thread but I don't know exactly what to do woth it. The code given by Tall Dude seems to compile fine except for two errors. ' FTPClient is not defined FTPdirectory is not defined ' In a later post Tall Dude says ' I am sorry. The solution had another (class?) file named FtpClient.vb. It is listed below: ' and he goes on to list the class. My problem is 'What do I do with the added class?'
Where do I put it and How do I compile it to get rid of the two errors? Thanks in advance. Dick Roose Just add a new code file to your solution and then paste in the code from the post. You just need the support class to be in the same project as the rest of your code. Reed Kimble - 'When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all'. Great Class, Found a glitch getting files from a directory.
If it's no files the return still give me one in the list with empty value. How do I make localFile and remoteFile variables.
If you drop this code into VB 2008 you will see 2 x errors. 'Constant expression required' but I want the two lines to be dynamic. // Create a new instance. Ftp client = new Ftp(); // Connect to the FTP server.
Client.Connect( 'localhost' ); // Authenticate. Client.Authenticate( 'test', 'test' ); //. // Get all directories, subdirectories, and files from remote folder '/myfolder' to 'c: myfolder'. Client.DownloadFiles( '/myfolder', 'c: myfolder' ); // Get all directories, subdirectories, and files that match the specified search pattern from remote folder '/myfolder2' to 'c: myfolder2'.
Client.DownloadFiles( '/myfolder2', 'c: myfolder2', '*.cs' ); // or you can simply put wildcard masks in the source path, our component will automatically parse it. // download all *.css files from remote folder '/myfolder2' to local folder 'c: myfolder2'. Client.DownloadFiles( '/myfolder2/*.css', 'c: myfolder2' ); // Download *.cs and *.vb files from remote folder '/myfolder2' to local folder 'c: myfolder2'. Client.DownloadFiles( '/myfolder2/*.cs;*.vb', 'c: myfolder2' ); // Get files in the folder '/myfolder2' only. TransferOptions opt = new TransferOptions(true, false, false, (SearchCondition) null, FileExistsResolveAction.OverwriteAll, SymlinksResolveAction.Skip, false); client.DownloadFiles( '/myfolder2', 'c: myfolder2', opt); //. // Disconnect. Hi all, I found what i was looking for on this old thread but I don't know exactly what to do woth it.
The code given by Tall Dude seems to compile fine except for two errors. ' FTPClient is not defined FTPdirectory is not defined ' In a later post Tall Dude says ' I am sorry.
The solution had another (class?) file named FtpClient.vb. It is listed below: ' and he goes on to list the class. My problem is 'What do I do with the added class?' Where do I put it and How do I compile it to get rid of the two errors? Thanks in advance. Dick Roose in the ' Imports Utilities.FTP' you will have to change it to ' Imports 'application name'.Utilities.FTP'.
I want to make a VB.NET software in which we can select folders and add them in a listbox. These folders and their contents are to be uploaded to a FTP site at a certain amount of time. My question is that what's the code to upload folders and its contents to FTP site.
The listbox only contains the main directory locations. Sony Firmware Extension Parser Device on this page. There maybe multiple directories in the listbox. Button 3 is the uploadnow button which later on I will connect to the timer.
Button 2 is for selecting the directories. So far I have achieved this: Imports System.IO Public Class SYNC Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim dialog = New FolderBrowserDialog() Dim dir As String dialog.SelectedPath = Application.StartupPath If DialogResult.OK = dialog.ShowDialog() Then dir = dialog.SelectedPath ListBox1.Items.Add(Path.GetFileName(dir)) End If End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click End Sub End Class. The has the recursive transfer built-in. Use the like: ' Setup session options Dim mySessionOptions As New SessionOptions With mySessionOptions.Protocol = Protocol.Ftp.HostName = ''.UserName = 'user'.Password = 'mypassword' End With Using mySession As Session = New Session ' Connect mySession.Open(mySessionOptions) ' Upload files mySession.PutFiles('d: foldertoupload *', '/home/user/').Check() End Using See a. Note that the Session.PutFiles (and the assembly overall) has synchronous interface (calls are blocking). So you need to execute the code from a separate thread, not from the GUI thread.
Otherwise your interface will be unresponsive, while the transfer is proceeding. To provide a progress feedback to the user, use the and the. (I'm the author of WinSCP).
You'll need to use the System.Net.FtpWebRequest class.